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Pre-season - frequency of friendlies + approach to rotation/substitutions

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A couple of questions regarding pre-season. I have been researching this, most of all on this site. Opionions are few and far between and seem to be all over the place. Would be great with some input from the knowledgeable players here.


1. How should you make substitions during friendlies? For a long time I have subbed the whole team at half time because I saw it recommended somewhere. In order to give every first team player frequent match time and build his match fitness. However, now I am becoming sceptical towards that approach. I feel like the match fitness of a player rises much faster if he players most of the match instead of only 45 minutes. So I am considering subbing more like I do in important matches - let players play untill they are tired. Instead rotating more between matches, benching players who are tired from the previous friendly.


2. What should be the frequency of friendlies? My impression so far is that you could/should play your first friendly towards the end of week 2 or 3 (heavy boot camp style physical training up untill then, more normal training afterwards). And that you should play two friendlies per week, no more, no less (not enough good reasons to play less friendlies per week, and 3+ matches per week creates other problems). And that the last friendly should be 1-1.5 weeks before the first important match.

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I am normally having 1 match per week. 45 minutes the first XI, 45 the subs. In 3, 4 matches they have gained 90% tactical familiarity and sharpness. No reason to overkill them with 2 matches per week, because in season most of the time is playing 2 matches. 

Physical, Attacking, Defending, Match Practice, Att. Movement, Def. Position, Teamwork, Match Tactics, Recovery and Team Bonding for training. Full heart condition Double Intensity and assign individual training according to their roles in the tactic.

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Depends on the level of team and players, and length of pre-season. The common process is to have 2 friendlies per week and play the starting XI for 45 mins and the second XI for 45 mins.

I don't do that. I play the first XI for as long as they can manage, maybe 60-80 mins in one game, and play the second XI the same in the second game.

Most focus on fitness training in pre-season; I do a lot, but pay more attention to tactical familiarity and team cohesion.

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I always arrange 2 friendlies each week,the first week i play first XI and subs 45' per game. On the second week I make first XI play 60' and subs 30',and on the second match of the week I inverted the amount of playing time on them. From week 3 and beyond I play one entire match with the same players if no injuries occures

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One or two weeks boot camp, then friendlies until 1 week before the Frist official match. Depending on their personal state of fitness, I’m gonna rotate my players so that everyone is match fit by the end of preseason. That may contain swapping the whole squad at half time or just a few players. However, there is no need to keep players playing that are already matchfit.

The training will focus on building team cohesion and tactical familiarity after bootcamp. No fancy stuff, I just edit the default schedules by a bit.

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I don’t schedule any friendly games during the first week then after that I arrange one ever 3 days and leave a week free before the first game of the season. 
when it comes to substitution I like to sub off the players at half time because although I have in mind who my first 11 will be, I use preseason to fine tune my tactic and learn about the players so you might notice that in a particular situation player B will play a kind of pass that player A doesn’t and that seems to give you an advantage so even if player A was supposed to be my starter, because of this particular situation I might start games with player B or I make a mental note if it so if I need to bring him on as a sub to take advantage of the AI I know exactly when to do it. You only noticed that if you have seen all your players play enough games during preseason 

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I generally leave the first week or so free. Then arrange 6/7 friendlies roughly 2 a week, leaving at  7 days free before the first league game of the season. 

So far as selection goes, I pick my first XI for the first game & leave them on all game, only if drastically tired do I sub. Then I pick the second XI for the next game and do the same. alternating 1st and 2nd XI's through pre season. the last couple of games  I will rotate the starting XI to include those that need the fitness.  In the final pre season game I will rest my key players or if they need the match fitness I'll take them off after 50-60 minutes. 

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I have a first and second selection covering each position in my first friendly play the first selection for 60 minutes and then substitute the whole team for the second selection. In the second friendly I start with the second selection and at 60 minutes substitute the whole team for the first selection. Then keep on alternating the selections for however many friendlies there are. This works for me.

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25 minutes ago, Zemahh said:

Two friendlies per week, let assistant take care of them.

Lazy as hell, but never had an issue. :D

Yeah. I guess the normal summer pre-season is ok even if left to the staff.


In my experience, problems primarily arise in countries that have a lengthy mid-season break, if you are still in Europe over christmas.


Example: I am managing Danish side AaB (Aalborg BK). In the third season I managed to get to the new Europa League league phase. The last two of the eight EL league matches were scheduled in late January 2025. I have a lengthy mid season league brake between around December 1st - February 23rd. The staff didn't arrange any friendlies untill around Februay 1st, after the two EL league matches... So I had the choice to either manually add in some friendlies or play those EL league matches with rock bottom match fitness.

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I find that 10 Pre Season friendlies with 3 days in between each game with the last game on the Saturday before season starts. I have to load an extra league (Poland) so that I can start Pre Season a week early (13/07/22) so I can fit these in. I use the Pre set pre season schedules depending on the Squad ie if the cohesion/tactical familiarity is low then I will use a tactical Pre season etc. I don't have the first pre season game until the squad has had 1 weeks training. I use the 2 team method 45 min each and as I normally have 2 tactics(Home/Away) the friendlies are arranged to gain familiarity with them accordingly. I find that all my players are sharp, 100% for the season start. Also I don't apply any individual or focus until pre season is finished. Hope this all makes sense Lol.

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I tend to manage down the pyramid so I might change this up at a bigger club but I basically arrange one friendly every five or so days up until the week before the start of the season but I also arrange a reserve/u18 friendly the day after each friendly which allows me to rotate, build fitness for those who don't play in the main friendly and keep an eye on younger prospects performances.

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