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Tweaks to the Head Coach/DoF challenge

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Which recommendations do you have regarding enjoyable saves using restrictions similar to the head coach/DoF challenge?


I ask because I find the game a bit too easy, thus too boring, am contemplating even harder restrictions than what I already use.


I am a big realism fan, restrictions should be realistic.


I prefer to only do equally well, or slightly better, than the club would do IRL. I prefer there to be a real risk of getting the sack. I prefer it to be somewhat uncertain whether the club will ever be at a level massively higher than what it accomplishes IRL.


If I were to play with restrictions similar to the head coach/DoF challenge, I would in any case take it even further and keep using some of the restrictions that I already enjoy using:

- Only using in-game template tactics (in part because I find tactics boring; in part because I don't want to abuse the game with OP tactics).

- Barely touching traning. Mainly just a few tweaks during pre-season (boot camp/physical schedule for a couple of weeks, occasionally adding a couple of extra friendlies).

- Never ask the board for upgrades (better facilities, more staff etc.).


By the way, some of the head coach/DoF challenge style restrictions I have used pretty much since I started playing towards the end of FM21 - only signing players recommended by the Chief scout, delegated hiring/firing of staff + the stuff mentioned above.


Even with such hard restrictions, over time it feels inevitable that the squad and not least the finances will get stronger and stronger. And that sooner or later you have developed the club to something well above anything it has ever achieved IRL. I am ambiguous towards such succes. Perhaps I prefer a more realistic struggle.

Edited by danej
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Ok, so my version of the DOF challenge, in short, is:

DOF is responsible for negotiating and finalising transfers in and out. However, I initiate them. This means he cannot just go and sign whoever he wants, but when I tell him to sign someone, he usually fails. Where I would be able to negotiate something by adding a bonus or giving a bit extra to the agent, the DOF generally sucks and you get nowhere. Sometimes, he'll say he almost has a deal and wants me to finalise it if I can. I cancel the talks. If he can't do it, bad luck.

This makes it more realistic as I am only able to sign average players, and occasionally only, if I'm lucky, someone I actually really want. Therefore, I cannot just run away with making a great team.

Transfers out, if there is an offer, he deals with it, which means he often sells good players. Sometimes a player will want to leave, I select that the DOF talks to him, DOF agrees to sell him even though he's a key player. Once again, realistic. You lose good players when bigger clubs some for them.

Contracts for existing players, I set to myself to be responsible for, so he can't choose who to offer contracts to, but when i want to renew someone's contract, I select DOF takes care of renewal, so he does it. Once again, he often screws it up and good players don't renew every time. You lose them eventually. Realistic. 

Anyway, I have so many other rules in my saves, but these are the main DOF related ones. I am all about realism (in the way that I interpret realism, anyway) so I have lots of tiny rules ☺️

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To be honest, the main thing I have recently introduced is limiting myself to tactics which do not have pressing (not even trigger press slightly more often) and also can only be balanced or lower mentality (no positive or higher). This has made my success a little more moderated. I haven't played FM23, FM22 is the last version I played.

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I'm a huge fan of this manner of playing FM. Rather than just 'selling' what I do, I'd rather point you in the direction of a variety of campaigns. Here's a selection of YouTube video series for Head Coach, Youth Academy and more - you can just watch the first few minutes of the first episode to get an idea of what these guys are doing. nb. there are loads more on Twitch and Discord too.



NEW FM23 LET'S PLAY SERIES | The Dobfather


FM20 | Island Dreams



Here are two I'm doing right now, in a forum full of careers like them:

The Tallest Dwarf - a tiny nation career

Nessie Awakes!

FM Career Updates

Challenges, Sign-Ups & Experiments

You can follow other peoples' rules, or you can do your own thing. What I love about FM is there are a gazillion ways to play this game.

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A tweak I am considering is to be able to veto signings. In other words, to cancel incoming deals before they are finalized. If I think the player isn't good enough, or isn't worth the outlay. But I don't know. Perhaps that will make the game easier that I like, preserving money for better deals in the future. Besides, I am unresolved regarding the realism aspect. On one hand one could argue that it is normal that many manager have a big say regarding incoming transfers. On the other hand, often the DoF has the final word in such matters.

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If you limit player interactions and don't use team bonding/community outreach it should make it harder to get the dynamics up. This should also make the game a little tougher if that's what you're looking for. You could also try playing without attributes so that you have to rely on reports, form & data if you want to play hard-mode. 

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46 minutes ago, danej said:

A tweak I am considering is to be able to veto signings. In other words, to cancel incoming deals before they are finalized. If I think the player isn't good enough, or isn't worth the outlay. But I don't know. Perhaps that will make the game easier that I like, preserving money for better deals in the future. Besides, I am unresolved regarding the realism aspect. On one hand one could argue that it is normal that many manager have a big say regarding incoming transfers. On the other hand, often the DoF has the final word in such matters.

"Realism" means different things to different people. To me, "realism" means me as the actual real person. That's why I start as a manager with no experience or qualifications. The game gives you more points than minimum so I adjust the slider to have 1 in every attribute except adaptability where I dump the spare points. Then I seek my first job at a level and place where I might get one just by showing up - it requires loading fan-made add-on leagues such as a tier 11 league in Ireland, or a Pacific Island, just coaching the lads and leaving any financial or contractual issues to others. If i prove myself at that level, I might accept a job offer that to me is a realistic step up.

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On 05/12/2022 at 11:03, DrIgz said:

Contracts for existing players, I set to myself to be responsible for, so he can't choose who to offer contracts to, but when i want to renew someone's contract, I select DOF takes care of renewal, so he does it. Once again, he often screws it up and good players don't renew every time. You lose them eventually. Realistic. 

How is the DoF for players for negotiating contracts for players in your youth academy?

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3 hours ago, Platinum said:

How is the DoF for players for negotiating contracts for players in your youth academy?

Again, it's quite hit and miss. He'll get most over the line, but many he will refuse to give the extra 20 euros a week they want, or often refuses to give them the playing time pathway they want. So again, you don't really have the guarantee that you will keep all the youth players you want.

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38 minutes ago, DrIgz said:

Again, it's quite hit and miss. He'll get most over the line, but many he will refuse to give the extra 20 euros a week they want, or often refuses to give them the playing time pathway they want. So again, you don't really have the guarantee that you will keep all the youth players you want.

I basically play the same as you but the big issue I have is contract renewals. SI havent implemented the functionality to tell the DOF the playing time you want to give to a player when renewing contracts (but you can when buying a player) so I've often gone back and forth between allowing and disallowing myself to renegotiate if my DoF fails due to e.g.a £20 difference in wage for a youth or playing time issues when I would give the player the playing time that is requested.

Think I'll try your way though as its the most realistic out of the two options, but really we should be able to tell the DoF the playing time we want the player to have.

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12 hours ago, Platinum said:

Think I'll try your way though as its the most realistic out of the two options, but really we should be able to tell the DoF the playing time we want the player to have.

Agreed. This addition would make a noteworthy improvement in my gameplay experience. 

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I really appreciate all the contributions to this post so far.


When I think about it, my main dilemma might be: How challenging do I want my saves to be? What is the right balance for me? When is a save neither too succesful and boring, nor too challenging?


My last several saves have probably been too succesful for my subjective taste. Not challenging enough.


Perhaps I should take drastic steps in the opposite direction. Eventually I might be able to calibrate myself towards a good balance for my subjective taste.

Edited by danej
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58 minutes ago, danej said:

I really appreciate all the contributions to this pos so far.


When I think about it, my main dilemma might be: How challenging do I want my saves to be? What is the right balance for me? When is a save neither too succesful and boring, nor too challenging?


My last several saves have probably been too succesful for my subjective taste. Not challenging enough.


Perhaps I should take drastic steps in the opposite direction. Eventually I might be able to calibrate myself towards a good balance for my subjective taste.

We seem to be of the same mindset. Personally, while easy success is boring, losing time and again is tedious too. My last save was in the Scottish North Caledonian League, which is not hard to win. But to get promoted you have to go through a series of play-offs which becomes nigh-on impossible to win (in real life, no club ever has). It's a matter of trial and error - in my case finding a very deep pyramid (i.e. many tiers) with difficult but possible promotion and possible relegation built in. Because, for me, the game gets progressively easier as the seasons go by due to poor AI squad building, I create rules that restricts my transfer options so that the AI limitations don't advantage me. In my case it's the Academy Challenge which prevents me using the transfer market at all.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm considering embarking on a head coach challenge for FM24, but I've got a few questions...

  • How does DoF know players are surplus to requirements? Based on agreed playing time? Or planner?
  • Will DoF actively transfer list players?
  • Does Tech Director request additional staff if needed? Or does board just do this?
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