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How to edit World Cup year interval after exporting?


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Hi there, I'm trying to change the World Cup to happen every 2 years instead of every 4 years in the FM19 editor.

I have already tried recreating it using International Rules but that messes up the stadiums and hosts so I wanted to try a different method

I exported the WC using this tutorial: 



But when I import it and change the year interval, it still only happens every 4 years, I also deleted the Fixture Dates for Different Years sections and changed the team pool to ignore quailifiers and instead just choose the best teams but it still doesn't work.

Could anyone help me with this?

On an additional note what does World Cup in additional helpers do?

I'm new to this forum so sorry for any mistakes I made.

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It's this page here that you'd have to setup teams in, not the team pool.


Plus it looks to be empty in the default rules anyway, so as is often the case with editing international competitions it needs a bit of fixing up to get the default version even working properly, let alone an edited version. Choosing the best teams here might work, you'd definitely have to edit the qualifiers (quite significantly since Asian quals take 3 years, maybe other ones are longer too!) if you wanted to use a qualifying process too. Even without editing qualifiers I'm not 100% sure how the default version accounts for the host nation, so you might need to figure something out for that too.

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