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Some potential improvements i noted while playing


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improve inbox experience overall
    like after staff joining club you get recommend player after signing contract 
    instead of needing to press continue button(space) first. 
    have the recommend button instant after pressing sign.

squad planning 
    in next seasons have player in gray if their contract has expired
        so, it's easier to see if you need to extent their contract or if you need to look for another player for that spot
    move the unwanted list to squad planning (maybe also develop list)
        if player isn't selected ad any position it automatically goes to the unwanted list

Squad tab 
    more rows colorized
        like when a player(s) playing time is lower than agreed turns red
            and when mouse over you see the agreed playing time
        or when a player wage is higher than recommended for the squad. so, you see which player(s) is too expensive.

when you're in a highlight of a match 
    when pressing pauze automatically pop-up touchline tablet.

    improve praising/criticize in training. 
        maybe have a limit of 3 so you need to see who needs it the most (maybe younger players are more effected). 
        or praise whole training week.
    advice option from coach for player traits in development tab
    improve set pieces it doesn't work well.
        just have positions like near post and have a ranking order for that position and also for the other positions.

i would personally like some music

achievements locked behind ironmode where you cannot manual save the game 
but it will auto save after a match or when leave the game

single player modes
    -career legend - https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/384357-non-league-to-legend-challenge/ 
        maybe have attributes masked and player/staff search disabled
        highscore is your wage / titles

    -club dynasty - have the 10 recommended
        cannot move to another club
        Highscore is club reputation
            and a custom option where you can choose your team
    -Custom game
        create your own club/squad in your favorite league

multiplayer modes
    -derby challenge 
        1vs1 with existing derby clubs

        option of world cup or other tournament like eufa champions league, afc champions league, caf champions league 
        Copa América etcetera
        all clubs/nations players attributes set the same to make it balanced
                random/manual joining for 1 season
                creator of the tournament can set the length week/month/year and maybe more options
                or set a password for private tournament

    -friends league 
        starting with same budget fictional clubs

Improve stadiums some look like stretched out textures

Financial structure where you set up your wages. like structure wages 60% squad 30% reserves 10% youth.
And based on the amount set you'll have the amount you can scout. or you see where you're spending too much.

Reduce game start up text/credit and images. just show it ones the first time you start up the game.
after so many times starting up the game I've seen it.


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