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Work Permits


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Hi all

Not sure this is the right place so feel free to direct me to an appropriate thread. I've just got a question about work permits. Frustratingly, I have now signed two players who I can't play because of work permits. My questions are: how do I apply for one after I've signed a player and why doesn't FM09 make it clearer that the player you are about to sign has no permit. This is after it has been turned down and you appeal. Usually, a week later after appeal it doesn't allow me to sign the player because a permit has been turned down. But twice on appeal it has said 'the transfer can now be completed' so happily I click yes only to find he has no permit. I'm disappointed it's not made clearer you are signing a player without a work permit.

Equally, why are some players like Kierrrson etc given work permits and some like Leo, Rafahina (sp) not?

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This is from the Official Forum FAQ, it should help -

II. Why do we have Work Permits, and how do they work?

Work Permits are only used in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. They are neccesary for someone to be allowed to work in the countries mentioned, including playing as a footballer. Only certain players will need to get work permits, and others may recieve them easier than others. Players from the following countries do not need work permits:

Austria - 5

Belgium - 3

Cyprus - 5

Czech Republic - 5

Denmark - 7

Estonia - 5

Finland - 5

France, including French Guyana - 5

Germany - 5

Greece - 10

Guadeloupe - 5

Holland - 4

Hungary - 5

Iceland - 5

Ireland - 7

Italy - 5

Latvia - 5

Lithuania - 5

Luxembourg - 5

Malta - 5

Martinique - 5

Norway - 5

Poland - 3

Portugal - 5

Reunion - 5

Slovakia - 5

Slovenia - 7

Spain - 4

Sweden - 5

Switzerland - 5

United Kingdom - 7

If the player you are looking to sign isnt from one of these countries, you will need to gain a work-permit before he is able to play.

If a player needs a work-permit, then various things will be taken into account. One of these is the calibre of the player. If a player is very talented, or has played for his country, he is likely to gain a work permit. If the work permit is turned down the it is likely to be granted on appeal.

When a work permit is turned down, it is the goverment who make the decision. The goverment normally turn down work-permits to protect people who are from their country. Their aim is to make sure that there are always jobs avalible from people from their country, and may turn down a work permit if they see no reason that an English player is not avalible. This gives all people from their country the chance to work, in various jobs.

However there are ways to get past this. One of the ways is to send a player to a European feeder club. The numbers of years it takes to gain nationality are above. When a player has been in that country for the number of years needed, they normally apply for that nationality. This means that they are now part-european, so they automatically gain a work-permit. If a player has been in a country for an amount of time you can offer them a new contract, which also re-applies for a work permit for them. If you are lucky the player will be granted a permit. It is sensible to, when buying players you feel may not recieve a work permit, tie them down to a 5 year contract, incase it does take 3+ years to gain a permit.

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Question 1 - Apply for work permits after signing. When a player has sufficient caps or reputation, simply offer a new contract. Once they accept, the home office will decide if they're allowed to play. If they're not then the new contract is cancelled. If they are then the contract is signed. (ps, have you sent them to loan/feeder clubs?)

Question 2 - If a player is unlikely to get a work permit, the assistant manager will tell you when offering the contract. Also, when scouting a player, the scout will tell you if they are likely to get a work permit.

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