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Help with my 433

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My idea is combination football through a short pass. That is, a calm build up, but at the same time moving to the flank, and then a canopy or a cross on the Forward, who is a master of playing in the penalty area. I took the @Cleon system as a basis. But since I'm a beginner, I can't adapt it to myself.


Edited by Maxim26
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If you want any sort of short passing style, the first step would be to remove the TF role and switch to any other striker role. TF basically means "just hoof it up to the big man up front", it can sometimes override your other team instructions. Defenders and Midfielders will play long passes to the TF even if you set all instructions to "pass shorter".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Two suggestions: Change the halfback to anchor man or DM on defend, and put the mezzala on support.


The HB becomes an extra defender in the first stage of buildup, which is nice for press resistance at that stage but can make progression into midfield more difficult. The Mez(s) is already a pretty attacking role, putting him on attack makes him almost an extra forward.

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You have one striker who is a TM on support. He will be dropping deep to hold the ball up. You need more players making runs behind him to utilise that. I’d change the LW to an IF or have the striker as a DLF-Attack

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