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Changing tactics after promotion

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Hey there!

First of all, I want to apologize about my english since is not my mother tongue but I'll try my best to make me readable. :)

I took control of Blackburn and we have a successfull season, making 100 points and of course getting promoted to Premier League. Now I'm thinking about making some changes in my 4-3-3. 

This is my current tactic:



As you can see, it's an aggresive possession tactic (or thats what I think). I took some ideas from this forum (active reader here but not really a posting machine) and it worked wonders.

What changes do you usually make when you get promoted? This is the Premiership so I can't play like this. I have 40M~ to spend and I'm looking to properly strength my squad. I have to say I don't want to change my style since this is the football I like and I'm not comfortable with defend-first tactics, but I want to know if you do radical changes when you go up into a new league. 

This is what I was thinking:

- Not wingbacks but regular fullbacks.
- Change the half-back into a regular DM.
- Maybe change the RPM and sign a strong, brave BBM.
- Put the DLF into attack (maybe change the role for a more aggressive one), since the space will be behind the defences and not in front of the centre backs, at least at the competition beginning.
- Definitely no high press, just a mid block but maybe keep the higher line to make us more compact in defence and help us in possession.

What are you thoughts about this? How do you approach this big changes? :)

Edited by Riven
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First of all dont scrap the philosophy/tactic that was successful for you, keep it at least as plan B.

Before you start making changes you have to decide what kind of football you want to play, then put the team instructions and buy the right players for it. 

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It’s up to you, you can stick to your principles or change your tactics

If you want to be more cautious you could change your right WBsu into a FBsu since you have an attacking mezzala on his side, and ask your IWsu to stay wider

You could also drop POOD and ask your GK to distribute to CBs and FBs if your CBs aren’t that great and if your GK can’t be a sweeper keeper

And of course drop your LOE to standard to be more compact as you said


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7 hours ago, Riven said:

Hey there!

First of all, I want to apologize about my english since is not my mother tongue but I'll try my best to make me readable. :)

I took control of Blackburn and we have a successfull season, making 100 points and of course getting promoted to Premier League. Now I'm thinking about making some changes in my 4-3-3. 

This is my current tactic:



As you can see, it's an aggresive possession tactic (or thats what I think). I took some ideas from this forum (active reader here but not really a posting machine) and it worked wonders.

What changes do you usually make when you get promoted? This is the Premiership so I can't play like this. I have 40M~ to spend and I'm looking to properly strength my squad. I have to say I don't want to change my style since this is the football I like and I'm not comfortable with defend-first tactics, but I want to know if you do radical changes when you go up into a new league. 

This is what I was thinking:

- Not wingbacks but regular fullbacks.
- Change the half-back into a regular DM.
- Maybe change the RPM and sign a strong, brave BBM.
- Put the DLF into attack (maybe change the role for a more aggressive one), since the space will be behind the defences and not in front of the centre backs, at least at the competition beginning.
- Definitely no high press, just a mid block but maybe keep the higher line to make us more compact in defence and help us in possession.

What are you thoughts about this? How do you approach this big changes? :)

Do you use any specific player instructions?

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8 hours ago, Riven said:

Hey there!

First of all, I want to apologize about my english since is not my mother tongue but I'll try my best to make me readable. :)

I took control of Blackburn and we have a successfull season, making 100 points and of course getting promoted to Premier League. Now I'm thinking about making some changes in my 4-3-3. 

This is my current tactic:



As you can see, it's an aggresive possession tactic (or thats what I think). I took some ideas from this forum (active reader here but not really a posting machine) and it worked wonders.

What changes do you usually make when you get promoted? This is the Premiership so I can't play like this. I have 40M~ to spend and I'm looking to properly strength my squad. I have to say I don't want to change my style since this is the football I like and I'm not comfortable with defend-first tactics, but I want to know if you do radical changes when you go up into a new league. 

This is what I was thinking:

- Not wingbacks but regular fullbacks.
- Change the half-back into a regular DM.
- Maybe change the RPM and sign a strong, brave BBM.
- Put the DLF into attack (maybe change the role for a more aggressive one), since the space will be behind the defences and not in front of the centre backs, at least at the competition beginning.
- Definitely no high press, just a mid block but maybe keep the higher line to make us more compact in defence and help us in possession.

What are you thoughts about this? How do you approach this big changes? :)

If you're really worried about how you'll do defensively, changing the wingbacks to fullbacks as suggested is a good move.

But honestly, if you're good enough to get 100 point in the Championship it's hard to imagine you'll fail to get 40+ in the Premier League, and you might handle the step up better than you expect. I'd personally see how you fare for a bit before making changes.

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