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Help my 4231

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Made a solid 4231

Hi guys, I'm having some trouble building the 4231 I'm using with the Kaiserslautern in 2Liga. I state that I'm building this 4231 to be able to use it anywhere, whether it's with Roma, PSG, United or Doncaster.. it doesn't matter, the idea I want is to build a solid tactical base. at this point, however, I don't know if the problem is the players or some tactical error made by me.


GK: /

WB: cross from byline; shoot less often; stay wider

CD: Short pass, tackle harder, mark tighter

BWM: /

CM: dribble less, shoot less, tackle harder

AP:direct passes, cross less, dribble more, close more, mark tighter

IW: take more risk, get further forward, close more down, mark tighter

P: pass short, shoot more, move into channels, close down more, tackle harder


Please, tell me something about this tactic.




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I would add more attack duties to the front 4 and change one of your double pivot to support instead of both on defend. That should provide more support to the AP and provide more attacking options. Your tactic right now is just very one dimensional. 

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Thanks prched55, if I did as you said, could it be an option to put a dlp-so instead of the bwm, replace the ap with an AM and set the external to attack on the side of the CM defend? it could be a solution? Do you see other types of "errors"? I liked the two CMs to defend though, they remained fixed in the middle of the field and made a nice block for the defence.. I'd hate to change them..

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9 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

could it be an option to put a dlp-so instead of the bwm, replace the ap with an AM and set the external to attack on the side of the CM defend?

Yes. That can work. It's just all about a balance and mix of roles and duties to create different options in attack. 

10 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

I liked the two CMs to defend though, they remained fixed in the middle of the field and made a nice block for the defence.. I'd hate to change them..

You can push them back to the DM strata if you'd like and leave them on support. They'll defend first then move up and support as needed. 

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the option of placing them in the midline is very appealing. put a dlp and a bwm both to support, and in this case I then have to vary other tasks so as not to make the team fluidity very fluid, also putting a defensive bwm could be an option. also for the striker I had several doubts, whether to put a poacher or a TM who holds the ball..

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Also, you look like you want to keep the ball - WBIB and POOD, but you also have pass into space. That to me seems counterintuitive. I would remove pass into space.

I would move the two CM's into DM's as BWM D on the right and RPM S on the left.

Change one WB to WB A and the opposite winger to IF A.

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Thanks guys!!

i try this 4231 with two DM, one BWM-So and one DLP-D..

the space on the pitch are correctly covered, chance creation are good, in the middle and on the flank.. 

the dlp help two cd to exit with the ball when we play from the back..

so… i like what i watch!!



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