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more dynamic tv revenue and sponsor revenue


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i already requested before, but it seems it had no effect.

Any way, incomes from tv rights and sponsors are ridicilous. Ofc premiership has highest income being top reputation competiton. But when other reach ther lvl they lack of it.

For instance, one match in Enlang premiership attracts around 1,3mil per game (being top 1 competition) .... while one match in Italy serie A attracts 60k per game (being top 5 competition), ... while one match in Croatia brings only a few thousands  per game (being top 20 competition) ..... maybe my nubmers are off because i havent played that leagues in some times and i m bothered to open saves to check them. but i think you got the point.

problem is that if you bring some of that leagues up, they are nowhere near that amount of money either from tv rights or sponosrs ... i managed croatian team for many seasons, became mos reputable clubs in world, won UCL several times, croatian league rised to top 5 competitions adn tv income hasnt raised  a bit ... i am not saying it should be 100mil per season like premiership, but at least some rise from 3-5mil pear year up to 30-50 at least .....

the same goes for sponsoship .... it is so unrealistic that some club that becames most reputable club in world generates so little in sponsorship, even if it doesnt play in top1 league ..... average premiership club which doesnt even compete in continental football generates several dozen mil in sponosrhip, while club whic is winning UCL many times generates only few mil from sponsors ....

ofc accordingly there should be rise in ticket price and everything .....


this ruins your saves with non english clubs a lot ... as you should earn 100-300mil from tv, sponsors and merchandise, you earn only 5-15mil, and you are dependat on selling your players .... that should be case in first few seasons, but as club grows, dynamics of income should change a lot...


something is explained in this topic also:



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