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Big Teams and Penalty Shoot Outs

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Hey all just got 2 quick question I want to ask people.

Firstly, anyone else having issues playing against Big Teams like Man City and Liverpool? In my save every time I play them 1of 3 scenarios happen.

1. I get beat easily as my team plays awful.

2. City or Liverpool go 1 up as none of my players bother to tackle a play as he casually takes the ball towards my goal and then he shoots and it trickles past my keeper. I will then do nothing all game and then score just to have it disallowed for offside and then they win 1-0.

3. Same as No. 2 except I do score and then in the next highlight they score due to one of my players passing it straight to them or I give away a penalty.

No surely I can’t be the only one this is happening to?

Secondly, has anyone actually won a penalty shoot out? I’ve had about 8 or 9 penalty shoot outs and not once has an opposition team missed a penalty let alone have my team win a shoot out.

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