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What was your first Football Manager game ? And do you still play it ?

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Omg what a thread 🤣

One-Nil 95 probably the game that got me addicted to football management. https://www.myabandonware.com/game/one-nil-soccer-manager-1ka

The other that sticks out is Ultimate Soccer Manager 98. What a game!!

The new FMs, as much as I love them don't quite hit as hard as the early day games. That's probably because I'm older, wise and have high expectations 😉

Did I say, great thread BTW 👍


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It would haven been Football Manager on the 48K spectrum and recall my friend who had a swanky C64 played a management game called 'The Double', I think it was. Another pal had a game on the MSX where you could improve the stadium and  even have crowd trouble lol

Played a lot of Player Manager on the Amiga too. Absolutely class game and now I have a mini-Amiga I may load it back up! Graham Taylors Manager was great too as was the newer more polished ones such as Premier Manager and one where you could improve the stadium (Ultimate Soccer Manager?) But in relation to SI's output...


Been playing FM since the Championship Manager days. Recall getting CM1, a copy on the Amiga but it mysteriously crashed and wouldn't load up again, same occured to friends original. Asked my Dad if I could have it for Christmas and owner said they had taken it off the shelf because of game breaking bugs (the more things change... lol)

When it came out again I got a copy (hey, I've purchased genuine ever since CM2 :) ) brief bit on every one I've played:

CM1 - 1st release. Awesome but stopped working

CM1 v2 - Awesome, awesome game. Took 2 and half hours to load up a new season though but that just gave me time to dream of plans for the new season

CM1 v3 - Now took 20 minutes to load up a new season - bliss!

CM Italia - Went halves with a friend and really liked it!

CM2 - Red CD with Clive Tyldsley commentary. Who needs an Amiga now? Massively tough though, how hard is it to win away?!

CM2 with Patch - A much more enjoyable game if I recall

CM97/98 - Think this may have now included the Bosman and loads of bug fixes but the biggie was the ability to play 3 different leagues. Started with Barcelona and it was the most slick CM until FM came out imho

CM01/02 - Boring. Everyone goes on about this but I found it weirdly difficult to get into. Hated 3 players being starred too.

CM3 - Loved it, even more leagues! Just had a terrific football feel and was released in the midst of the Internet and being an active participant in #CM0102 #Champ-Man I made lots of online friends, doing a downloadable magazine and CM Lightning Downloads

Can't remember any other releases until...

CM4! - But oh boy, had loads of bugs and complaints? I didn't care. I watched Birmingham vs WBA...not the highlights, the whole game. Had a weird bug where your opponents would be randomly given a goal. I loved it.

CM4 v2 - unsure what year it was but I'm assuming it was released before the split to Football Manager - I liked it and the backdrop for this was moving into my first house. So I had to win the FA Cup with Bolton before I never played it again (how wrong I was...despite 2 kids and a wife, I've always found time since! :)

FM 2005 - Loved the slickness of it. Didn't know it needed this spruce up but loved it.

FM 2006 - An even better default skin and the downloadable graphics made it even better. Loved it.

and so until FM12...but by this time I just couldn't get into it. Started to get too much going on but the backdrop to this for me was having a 2 year old to look after so imagine my welcome suprise when...

FM13 Classic - Forget full fat, it's all about the streamlined version. Such an enjoyable game that I stopped buying FM until...

FM18 - Loved this game. Did get FM16 but couldn't get into it, ditto for FM17. FM18 though was the last iteration of FM before a rebrand and I guess similar to peoples high opinions of CM0102 (but not mine), this was the pinnacle for the game at the time.

At the time though? I still play it. No annoying media questions, good regens/newgens coming through. Very playable long term (apart from a dearth of left sided inside forwards) and the ability to do Tactics all on one page.

FM20 - Too difficult, two complex and no answer to my many questions on the now 3 pages of options of tactics.

FM21 - May as well have brought the demo given how little I played it...back to FM18 I went

FM22 - Last attempt to actually try and get into FM. Slick as hell and I did finish a few seasons but I relied upon hours of digesting YouTube videos to actually get into it and have some sembelance of understanding of the middle tactic change (counter, counter press etc.)

FM23 - Now the defensive line and attacking line have been simplified, I'm tempted but I always find myself going back to FM18 and given how much it's been critisized, I'm not prepared to buy an FM that's going out at an inflated price.

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4 hours ago, r70lla said:

Omg what a thread 🤣

One-Nil 95 probably the game that got me addicted to football management. https://www.myabandonware.com/game/one-nil-soccer-manager-1ka

The other that sticks out is Ultimate Soccer Manager 98. What a game!!

The new FMs, as much as I love them don't quite hit as hard as the early day games. That's probably because I'm older, wise and have high expectations 😉

Did I say, great thread BTW 👍


One-Nil 95 was my second.  Might do a google search for it .  

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Championship Manager 03/04. A friend introduced me to it while I was visiting. I didn't have a computer at the time, but the day my grandparents bought me one I made sure to pick up a copy for myself. So it was also the first (and for awhile, only) PC game I ever owned.

I don't still play it, I'm sure it would be hideously dated now! But I'm fairly confident I do still have the disc, it's just thousands of miles away.

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The first I can clearly remember is the Original Championship Manager, played it on the Amiga. I have played ever single version and sub version since. Some I like more than others.

There was a game though that I used to play around my mates house. We were trying to think what it was called the other day, neither of us could remember. It was played on the Amiga too, so if someone can give me the answer I would be eternally grateful:


Same sort of time as the original CM - so circa 1992

Was definitely out on the Amiga - not sure about others

Made up names, no real names **EDIT** looks like it did have real names :eek:

The only other thing I have to go on was that there was sound and when a goal went in the commentary sounded like 'Goal, lee Chapman' :D I don't think it was actually Lee Chapman, but it sounded like it.


Long shot I know, but it really bugged us the other week.


GOT IT: Football Masters on the Amiga. Still not sure what is says when they score - I'm going with Lee Chapman.


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Toms' version on the Spectrum 48K, then CM 99/00 (or maybe 00/01?), then Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009 (aka FM 09 in the UK). Just dusted it off and yet again realised I don't have a clue.

Had a board game called Wembley in the 70s. More of a dice rolling simulation than actual management.


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8 hours ago, davehanson said:

The first I can clearly remember is the Original Championship Manager, played it on the Amiga. I have played ever single version and sub version since. Some I like more than others.

There was a game though that I used to play around my mates house. We were trying to think what it was called the other day, neither of us could remember. It was played on the Amiga too, so if someone can give me the answer I would be eternally grateful:


Same sort of time as the original CM - so circa 1992

Was definitely out on the Amiga - not sure about others

Made up names, no real names **EDIT** looks like it did have real names :eek:

The only other thing I have to go on was that there was sound and when a goal went in the commentary sounded like 'Goal, lee Chapman' :D I don't think it was actually Lee Chapman, but it sounded like it.


Long shot I know, but it really bugged us the other week.


GOT IT: Football Masters on the Amiga. Still not sure what is says when they score - I'm going with Lee Chapman.


Ah yes the old .... please wait .... logo 

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My very first management game was Ultimate Soccer Manager. Loved the cell phone option for under-the-table transactions like betting on matches (with the winnings going to your transfer budget, no less). Then I discovered CM 3, I've played most of the CM/FM games since then, including FM23.

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The double on a spectrum 48k. Also played football manager and champ manager. That was me hooked from about 8  year old. Then I had a Atari st, and played premier manager. Then came a pc did all the championship managers until football manager 2005. Had every year since.

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I don't remember exact name. Something like Soccer manager or similar. Deep in the nineties. I just remember that it had England league system and players were rated from 0-100. 

From Championship manager series my first test was 00/01 and the first that I played seriously was Championship Manager 4

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19 hours ago, alian62 said:

Is that your collection 

Yeah, something similar. Ultimate Soccer Manager, FIFA Manager, TCM, FA Premier League Manager- each had their oddities and quirks (I remember in FA PL Manager '99 Man Utd would ALWAYS be relegated in the first season. Inexplicably). They had their own strengths and weaknesses. Now, there's a monopoly.

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For the CPC 464 there was a computer/board game football manager hybrid - i dont remember the name anymore but the results were simulated by the computer while you had player cards that you would trade around the table (it was multiplayer).

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7 hours ago, Tony Wright 747 said:

Cant remember the names of the games, but I remember one had teams like Sandchester United and Hill top Rovers.  This would be back in the early Seventies.

Showing your age there a bit :)

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I do remember as a kid, about 12ish , I made up many games using Dice .

A racing game with cars using dice and a ruler being so whatever you rolled to how many inches you moved etc . 

I did one for football too . Using 1 dice for a team score at home then 1 for the away team . 


Rolled 1-3 = 0 goals , 4=1 goal , 5=2 goals , 6=3 goals . 


Rolled 1-2 = 0 goals , 3=1 goal , 4- 5=2 goals , 6=3 goals. 

Think it was something like that plus from memory I had an advantage for the top teams too in some way.  

I had it all written down too. Might do a search for it lol .

I did implement it to a simple PC program in the early 90s with a friend . 


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  • 1 year later...

Just a little shout for the folks on the Facebook Championship Manager 93-94 group who are starting to discover how to edit the hex data to truly update the game after all these years!


Group number 576960316361770 for anyone interested.

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First ever was Logacta Chart Soccer with different-coloured dice.

Played games like the original Football Manager & The Boss on C64/Amiga and CM/FM since the first one.

Still on FM2010, where I'm playing my one and only 13-year-old save I started in 2011 - and only reached up to October 2023. I like to take my time.


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I think my first game was Kenny Dalglish Football Manager on the C64. But it's hard to be sure, as I must have had at least 10 football management games at the time, and just as many football games too. I also remember Football Director, Multi Player Football Manager and The Double as being some of my favorites from the bunch of management games that I had at the time. 

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First one I actually used my pocket money to buy was CM 00/01 back in the day. Got hooked and have purchased every CM/FM game since. Still have to game lying around somewhere back home along with the other disc-based versions (live in Japan now). I still occasionally go back to CM 01/02 as I can breeze through a season in a couple of hours, and it had a great balance of depth but without the complexity of modern titles. A great nostalgia trip to my teen years. 

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Player Manager in 96 or 97. I remember when you started you couldn't manage in the Premiership. It was a fun game, taking the players to Blackpool for a day out to boost morale and always trying to avoid getting called into the board room. The match highlights were fun too, four different squares on the screen would unravel to reveal the highlight. 

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On 14/01/2023 at 14:42, Etebaer said:

For the CPC 464 there was a computer/board game football manager hybrid - i dont remember the name anymore but the results were simulated by the computer while you had player cards that you would trade around the table (it was multiplayer).

Brian Clough Football Fortunes. Brilliant game.

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I got the FM 2017 from my oldest son who plays the actual version. I play games like Crusader Kings or Europa Universalis and wanted to test.  I like it even I am not a great footbll fan.

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Football Manager on ZX81 in 1983, then on the CBM64, followed by others in the 80's like The Double, The Boss, Football Director, Tracksuit Manager.

1st in the Championship Manager series was the first one on Amiga in 1992.

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Bundesliga Manager 97, although I had the English version called Total Football Management. I liked that you were able to start from the lowest playable division while keeping your players, but with their stats having been nerfed to fit the league's quality. Or I think that was the case, I don't remember exactly.

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On 11/01/2023 at 16:54, davehanson said:

The first I can clearly remember is the Original Championship Manager, played it on the Amiga. I have played ever single version and sub version since. Some I like more than others.

There was a game though that I used to play around my mates house. We were trying to think what it was called the other day, neither of us could remember. It was played on the Amiga too, so if someone can give me the answer I would be eternally grateful:


Same sort of time as the original CM - so circa 1992

Was definitely out on the Amiga - not sure about others

Made up names, no real names **EDIT** looks like it did have real names :eek:

The only other thing I have to go on was that there was sound and when a goal went in the commentary sounded like 'Goal, lee Chapman' :D I don't think it was actually Lee Chapman, but it sounded like it.


Long shot I know, but it really bugged us the other week.


GOT IT: Football Masters on the Amiga. Still not sure what is says when they score - I'm going with Lee Chapman.


Football Masters started me on my Management career.  The Company were based in Southend if I remember.  It was a great game to play against each other.  I remember when they brought in loaning players in and out.  Groundbreaking!

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I enjoyed the first few CM games and really loved CM Italia as I was a bit fan of Serie A from the Channel 4 coverage.

The one that started the bug for me though was on the Atari ST I think. It was called Sick As A Parrot and even though it was just a text based engine, I was hooked. 

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On 05/01/2023 at 23:49, alian62 said:

I can still play my first ever Football Manager game back in 1993 !!!  It was a game called Wizard Soccer by a company named Wizard Games in Scotland . It was quite unique back then and you could play the Top 4 major English Leagues with a text based ME . Selecting your players was based on 4 attributes namely Superb , Good , Average and poor . Me and my mate stayed up to all hours of the moring playing it . You could also print your tables etc , Trade , buy etc .

Their next installment was a game called 1-0 95 and was able to play Internationals with World Cups.

Oh wow! Me too! I remember I came across this via some sort of offer in the back of a computer magazine which sent me a whole box of disks with various games in it. I had no idea about it, but I played sooo much of it. 

And even more odd? As an American, the team I chose to play was named Wrexham. Never heard of them, but I liked the name. Imagine my surprise all these years later when America also learns there's a town and a team named Wrexham....


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