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Can anyone from SI or elsewhere......

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Please explain to me what programming causes my season to unravel every February without fail?

My first season, as always in FM, was a success, with little room for complaint, however, subsequent seasons have proved to be a nightmare come February:

Season 2 - defeat to Mainz caused capitulation:


Season 3 - From nowhere I was annihilated in Frankfurt:


 Season 4 - Defeat to Hertha ruined it this time:


Current Season - even that 4-0 win v Wolfsburg was horrendous to watch and I knew then the slump was coming:



Is anyone else seeing this, what is the purpose of SI programming this into the game? How do I avoid it? I've tried overhauling tactics and tweaking but it's a massive struggle to get out of it or avoid it!

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Essentially the AI will 're-rank' teams throughout the season based on their success.

Doing well? They'll likely play more defensive formations and tactics against you.

Doing okay? You'll find they'll be more balanced.

Doing badly? They'll take the initiative and attack.

So essentially find a way to play against each approach. You'll unlikely have the right tactic and setup for every game and may win the odd game you should lose or vice-versa. Just don't become dependent on one approach even if it's been successful for the first half of a season. 

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Ok so a one-off fluke defeat to Mainz or Bochum can trigger a loss of form, meaning I go from doing well, to doing ok, to doing badly - meaning game by game the opposition changes its’ approach to me? 

In the midst of a slump, would it be recommended that I go for a more defensive based approach, to stop the rot? I’m not sure I should be defending my way out of poor form, however?

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2 hours ago, Etebaer said:

Can weather be an issue as around that time the weather is usualy wet and the ground is heavy and i can imagine some styles of playing football are more affected than others

That’s a good shout! Never thought of that 👍🏼

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