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Better AI manager hiring by using IGE


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If, like me, you're frustrated at seeing 30 year olds with no previous experience in football vaulted into League 2 (I'm using England as an example, the same thing will happen in equivalent reputation competitions) managerial jobs, I've found a partial solution.

The issue is that the game generates too many high reputation newgen managers. You can see this in the game if you create a filter to show staff reputations and look at newgens from the Cayman Islands or Djibouti who have better managerial reps than established, successful, trophy winning managers. These managers won't get used in England and will just sit in the database taking up space because there's no teams valid for them to take over. The problem is that English newgens of a similar level will be given jobs in League 2, National League and National League N/S over existing managers, assistants, coaches etc... 

By my research it looks like the newgen managers are generated on 29/07 (why this date I have no idea!), so before then you need to open your staff filter and find the last current manager in the database. Take a note of their ID. It seems the only time the game newgens a manager older than 29-34 is when it's for a lowly national team/national youth team that has nobody suitable in the database to take over. See for instance the Eritrean at the top of this list.


After 29/07 you'll see the change in that top left total of people found, which will show that the game has added the new managers. This process will not affect people already in the database, or regens who become eligible to manage later in their career as their UID won't fall in the range of the managers generated that season.

Now, open an in-game editor where you can bulk change staff details. For the example I'm using FMSE22 (because if I'm doing all this manual work I'm not upgrading to a new FM and paying for new editors etc...). I assume there are no changes in FM23 or FMSE23 that will affect this process.

  • Load your save game in the editor
  • Choose staff/filter, and if there's a certain reputation range you want unchanged set a minimum in the filter. For instance I only edit people over 1000 rep.
  • Set job attributes for manager between 15 and 20 - this will give you almost the same list as people in game when you set the filter to managers


  • Order them by UID from largest to smallest, select everyone from the top down to the person you identified as the last of the previous season's newgens and mass edit them to lower reputations. I bring anybody above 1000 down to that level but if you're playing with extended lower leagues you might want to create a range of lower reputations


Now you won't see League 2 teams being taken over by A. Random, 30 years old, in his first job in football. The game will be much more likely to appoint coaches, youth coaches and assistants from other teams.

Now AMs like this have a hope of getting jobs that would have 100% gone to a newgen in the past.


Also, see a Reserves Manager (4300 rep) from a higher division team going to a lower league side because he's not in competition with a newgen. 


The long-term solution is for SI to rebalance the way newgen staff are created. I posted about this on the suggestions board for FM23 so would be interested if anyone has noticed improvements in the new version.

Edited by Supermercado99
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