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Magnitude of change in tactics to counter AI

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Not talking about the intricacies or specifics of tactics, which is why I'm posting here.


It's been said by many people now that the AI managers will slightly change their tactics to counteract your own tactics as a season goes on.

So how much would you change your own tactics to counter this? Is changing roles within the same formation enough variance to counter what the AI try to do, or would a complete formation change need to occur?

Also, do AI managers just forget about what they've learnt at the end of each season, and is it linked with all stats being wiped at the end of each season?

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AI Managers don't learn, tactics do not get figured out.

AI react to the users team overperforming by playing more cautiously.

AI reacts to beeing down in a game by ramping up pressure at the end of the game.

People to this day don't understand this and talk all kinds of annecdotes.

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