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Best Single Tactical Thread/Post Ever?

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Hello all,

What would you say is the best tactics based thread/guide or post related to FM you have ever read? Something which made the penny finally drop or that you still relate back to even now.

Very interested to hear peoples opinions on this!

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Lines and Diamonds. Eventhough it was written in 2015 or so, it is still up to date, especially if your looking for footballing principles and approaches. It was way ahead of FM in its state back then and is the most complete guide I’ve ever seen for FM on the internet. 

If you are specifically looking for current mechanics of the ME or the tactics creator of FM23 it might be outdated here and there, but it’s still worth reading. 

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Quite fancy reading a few of the ones posted but before I do would like to know how transferrable is the information from previous versions to FM23?

Is what is discussed still relatable to FM23 and principles still, for the most part, the same? Or has there been just too much major changes to the ME that most of what is written is no longer applicable?

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4 hours ago, Skora11 said:

Quite fancy reading a few of the ones posted but before I do would like to know how transferrable is the information from previous versions to FM23?

Is what is discussed still relatable to FM23 and principles still, for the most part, the same? Or has there been just too much major changes to the ME that most of what is written is no longer applicable?

Tactics with logical principles continue to make sense. OP plug and play tactics don't because they exploit the ME, but tactics that "in theory" make sense apply to every version. You may need to adapt some concepts such as LOE and DL from older games but the principles remain the same.

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