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Match Engine Visuals, especially lighting is very dated and needs a major upgrade


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If you peruse most video games today, even laptop and mobile games, FM is looking very, very dated. A lighting upgrade alone would completely transform the visuals. I don't have major complaints about the ME itself (possibly because '17-'20 were so bad) but the visual experience is severely lacking. 

Yes I like the new animations and I'm sure they'll add a handful more for '24, but the visual appearance needs to brought up to the 2020's at minimum. 

The 'but my 2005 laptop' argument doesn't work anymore because again, peruse some mobile games and 2015 video games and you'll see the stark difference.

Please overhaul the textures and lighting for FM 24.  New data and scouting options and a handful of new ball control and keeper animations aren't enough anymore.

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