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Two tactics questions

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I'm managing a lower leagues team, so players' attributes aren't that high. With that in mind...


My team is supposed to relegate, and I most likely have to use some kind of counter attacks. Those are pretty "fast forward" by nature, right?

If I also give my players orders to "more direct passing" and "higher tempo", can it cause my players NOT to be able to handle it - or that they just make too many mistakes?

Or, will game "scale" those orders to fit their skill levels?


Second one. If I remember correctly, personal orders are more "important" than team tactics. Correct?

What will happen, if I have "early crossings" in tactics, but give orders "from byline" to a certain better player?

Should I still remember to change that tactics order whenever that better player is playing to get better results?



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Pi's effect Ti's yes, so if you want a player to veer from the team norms do it here.


I think the tempo may cause problems for lesser players, best to try it and see.


High tempo. direct passing is more of a percentage game so I would look to see if your players have a physical edge to take advantage of this style of play.

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On 11/01/2023 at 15:14, rristola said:

…  If I remember correctly, personal orders are more "important" than team tactics. Correct?

What will happen, if I have "early crossings" in tactics, but give orders "from byline" to a certain better player? …


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It'll cause them to kick the ball up the field a lot, if you're playing with a target man you'll do excellently. There's a lot of really cheap target forwards in the game who you can pair with an AF to great success at lower levels of football.

One thing you can do is to set your team passing to very short. Then go to the players you want have kick it up to the target man set to "very direct" and "distribute to target man" in their PIs. This works very well.


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