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What do you do when dramatically under-scoring?

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I have won the league two years in a row, but my current season has been a comparative disaster (propped up only by the fact that other teams around me aren't taking full advantage). We're in third, which doesn't sound too bad. But, we are statistically the worst chance-takers in the league, scoring 12 goals less than our XG suggests we should have scored:


The next nearest teams are Man Utd and Fulham (you can't see Fulham), both of whom are under-scoring by nine goals.

I'm not really sure what to do about it. My players are still largely the same as the last two years, so I'm not sure it's a personnel issue. Our tactic is pretty much the same. Given our XG is actually pretty good, it suggests that the team is playing well. But we're suddenly just awful at taking chances.

Has anybody faced this scenario, and what do you do to get your players to score?

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Evaluate if the chances you’re getting are high xG or low xG chances. If you’re getting a lot of low xG chances your xG is high, but the xG/chance is low so it’s understandable you’re gonna struggle one way or another. 

if that’s the case go dig why you have low xG chances, are they taking shots outside of the 16? Why? No passing options? 
none of your shots in some space? No one creating space for someone to run into?

if you are creating high xG chances see who’s taking them and if they have good attributes to take them

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1 minute ago, Yisz said:

Evaluate if the chances you’re getting are high xG or low xG chances. If you’re getting a lot of low xG chances your xG is high, but the xG/chance is low so it’s understandable you’re gonna struggle one way or another. 

if that’s the case go dig why you have low xG chances, are they taking shots outside of the 16? Why? No passing options? 
none of your shots in some space? No one creating space for someone to run into?

if you are creating high xG chances see who’s taking them and if they have good attributes to take them

Thanks for that--is there a way of finding out average XG per shot, or something similar?

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If you go into stats detail of your league you can go to attacking ‘expected xG’. Next to it should be the totale amount of shots you’ve taken. You can divide xG by shots taken and you should get an avarage.

if shots taken are not there you can find them in another tab of the detailled stats selection of your league.

you can also go into matches where you’ve underperformed your xG by a lot and take a look at the shots takens via analysis or even watching highlights

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8 minutes ago, Yisz said:

If you go into stats detail of your league you can go to attacking ‘expected xG’. Next to it should be the totale amount of shots you’ve taken. You can divide xG by shots taken and you should get an avarage.

if shots taken are not there you can find them in another tab of the detailled stats selection of your league.

you can also go into matches where you’ve underperformed your xG by a lot and take a look at the shots takens via analysis or even watching highlights

Thanks for that, appreciate it, I'll see if I can find anything.

Took a quick look at simple shot stats, and found that my deep lying playmaker has taken more shots overall than my striker! Might be a bit of an issue.

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1 hour ago, ryandormer said:

Thanks for that, appreciate it, I'll see if I can find anything.

Took a quick look at simple shot stats, and found that my deep lying playmaker has taken more shots overall than my striker! Might be a bit of an issue.

Probably is :-)

Might be because he can’t find anyone he can pass to so he might revert to shooting instead. 

I’d look into games and see if that is indeed the problem, just pause at the moment your dlp gets the ball and look into the positioning/movement of the rest. I can imagine teams playing deep against you since you’ve just won the league twice and no one is creating space for someone else to run into. But I’d have to see your tactic for that. 

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