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FM Resource Archiver


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Hello this thread is for FM Resource Archiver,

where you can make a few changes.

First open


if you have downloaded the FM Resource Archiver and press Unpack Archive 


and my recommendation is to create a folder as the original comp editor, then copy it and rename it to Test Comp Editor


Now the whole thing again and you call this Edited Comp Editor.

Now you have 3 folders. And now to why these 3 folders

Original Comp Editor

Test Comp Editor

Edited Comp Editor

, the original comp editor should be clear, the test folder is the folder there you make the changes and test the changes like the club.xml or any .xml where you made changes and the fm editor works without any problems these changed .xml you should then copy it into the edited comp editor so you then have a Backup with the  edited comp editor where all changes you ever made work without any problems 


Programs  to edit OS Windows : Notepad or other text editor

                                Mac OS: TextEdit or Xcode my choice  

Now test the changes, to it you open the resource archiver and click on create archive 

there you then select the test comp editor folder then select the comp editor file

and press save. Then open FM Editor. 

Now I´ll come to solutions if you made a few changes for example in the club.xml or club ui.xml and you hear a beep when you open the FM Editor is a failure  in the for example club.xml and at the fm editor on club maybe then possibly no club with names will  be displayed in the search although some have been found.


Since I don´t have a Windows PC I describe the solution for Mac OS:

Close the FM Editor open FM Resource Archiver press Create Archive


choose now Original or Edited comp editor and choose the comp editor now

choose the comp editor and press save


ON Finder Press and hold option then go to folder /User/.../Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/FM Editor/Preferences/Version 1/


and look modification date  delate




Now open again FM Editor and on club will be now on search the clubs with name displayed 



Archiv erstellen.png

Edited by affe1802
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If you want have U23 B´s as team type go to enum.xml open it and search "rstm" then Copy these lines

<record enum="9">

<translation id="name" translation_id="292977" type="use" value="U23 Team[COMMENT: editor; type of team]" />


and paste it below U23 Team now change the enum="9" with 43 and delate these 


now it should look like this

            <record enum="43">

                <translation id="name" type="use" value="U23 (B-Mannschaft)[COMMENT: editor; type of team]" />


translate value="U23 (B-Mannschaft)  in your language like English U23 B Team.

If you want have these in the reserve teams to create section search for " Rsty " and copy these added lines to " Rsty " below U23 Team and to " tmty "

before you ask where are the enum="43" comes. I can only guess at the moment, my guess is the enum and translation_id  stays in .dat files in  2240_FM folder that are encrypted.

in Editor looks it so

Team Type


U23 B details 


U23 B´s


Edited by affe1802
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if you want have more reserve teams as 3 in reserve teams to create open the club.xml in database folder search for " reserve teams " in

      <!-- Reserve teams (to create)-->

        <integer id="maximum_items" value="3" />

and change the maximum_items to what you need 

In my case looks it so


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If want create more leagues level like me lower than level 6 you will eventually hit the limit 50 

to change these limit 50  open the nation.xml in path comp editor/format/rule group/advanced open the nation.xml and search for " number of child comps "

change these: 50

<integer id="max_value" value="50" />

to what you need 

in editor looks it so



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