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Making a Team More Clinical in Front of Goal?

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Aside from my tactical concerns (see the other thread I opened), is there any way to make a team more clinical in front of goal? This may be little more than a gut feeling, but my team feels like it can lack consistency in front of goal, and has occasionally been caught out by the 'classic FM' six shots on target, zero goals, whilst the opposition goes one for one and steals the win :lol:

Looking at the data, they seem to be decent quality chances (relatively speaking, 0.2 xG or higher) so it's not an accumulation of low percentage chances I don't think.

Is it simply a case of doing Chance Conversion training regularly? Or just young-ish players not building consistency yet?

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In my experience playing FM, I notice somethings:

When we create too many chances, the match engine seems to "punish us". My view is that they probably do this so to prevent us to exploit some flaw and win games by 20 - 0. I say that, for example, based on the success of strikerless tactic some years ago. Back then, these tactics exploit some flaws in the game and constantly the players end up 1 - 1 with the keeper. However, from 7, 8 1-on-1 shots, they scored 2, 3 at most. This is not confirmed by the developers, but its what I experienced playing the game.

The most important attributs arent the technical ones (finishing, for instance). It seems to me that the mentals are most important. I dont have data to confirm this, but its my impression. I had players with 19 finishing that didnt score 10 goals in a season and players with 12, 11, that scored 30, 40 goals.

The finishing trait of the player also matters. In my personal experience: players that have "shoot with power" score more goals. But, again, I dont have data to back this up. Its just my experience.

Players with the PI "shoot less often" also seems to score more in my personal experience. Again: dont have data, but its what I've experienced. I think that they probable take only the better chances, what make the game flow a little better and allow for better opportunities? I dont know.

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