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Help setting up a 3421/32221

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Hi all, 

Taking inspiration from Graham Potter, Im trying to set up a 3421 with deep holding midfielders and attacking midfielders as it is the default set up for said tactic in the tactics creator

Base tactic (note the AMRC should be on attack)



I have a few issues with it which im trying to figure out but the one I could do with some help with is the massive gap it leaves in-between the DM and AM areas. My understanding of the current ME is that changes were made to the holding midfielders in the DM area to push up more because SI felt that was more representative of actual player behaviour. 

But ive noticed that this can and often results in a high number of Opposition Final Third Entries from central positions e.g in my last five games 40% of the opposition getting into the final 3rd have came though the middle. 

Data Hub



Now obviously FM does not happen in a vacuum and there are many things at player but ive not done anything stupid with the team or player instructions and the tactic looks solid enough so Im at a loss of why this is the case

Then I checked the analysis tab in the tactic creator and seen that the gap mentioned above has no direct influence on it. Which is obvious in a player placement but seems less obvious when taking the supposed changes made by SI this year to the player behaviour in the DMC area of the pitch

Influence Analysis




The thing is, this is completely fixed if I move the two holding players into the centre of the pitch 

Analysis with CM rather than DM




Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Am I misreading the data hub or should I push my midfield up? I don't want to lower my AMC because I think it would isolate the Advanced Forward


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Initial thought is your 2 midfielders won’t push forward to help the attack so you need to select a role to do it from that Dm position . Personally I would have your bwm as a seg vol  who will fill that link nicely with the am’s. Have ur dlp hold pos and you’ll still have plenty of def cover

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You have 6 players in the midfield and all of them are on support duty. That feels a bit lifeless to me. I would consider giving one of the AMCs and one of the wingbacks and attack duty. You might also find some excitement out of using a SV(a). Another idea is to give your striker a support role (ex. DLF(s)) and use shadow strikers behind him.

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