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Forget languages after moving to another country


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When players are transferred they will learn the language of the nation of their new club. This will mean a player can learn a lot of languages. It is not logical that a player will keep the level of those languages up as they will stay away from some countries for a while. A player from for instance Algeria will likely stay fluent in Arabic, Tamazight and French, but if they are transferred to Germany and then to France, the German should probably fade away quickly.

Added note: it is a little bugbear of mine, but I can understand that it doesn't go high on the priority list.

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Of course this is just a detail, but it's not unrealistic to think that a player that has played an X number of years in a country has built friendships, relationships, etc with people from that country, and therefore that speak that language, that may last long after moving away to play for a different club. And therefore that, to maintain those relationships, he keeps using that language even though he's moved away.

Maybe it doesn't really help the feature discussion, but hopefully it can at least help mitigate this bugbear of yours :) 

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