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Warn about the maximum salary BEFORE contract renewal negociations


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Hello !

Current situation in my save: I have around 30K€/months of margin between my salary budget and my actual salary total. 

I want to offer a new contract to one of my player that is around 15K€/month.

I start the negociation, and the maximum amount I can offert is 9K€ month. The player decline. I can stop the negociation but the player won't accept to talk about it again and leave for free. I can skip the discussion for a brighter future, because one started, the negociation has to end on the same day.

I understand that maybe 100% of my remaining budget can't go to one player, but...

My suggestion: before starting the real contractual talk, could the owner or the director of football warn me about the maximum wage I can propose?
"Warning: based on your current budget, the maximum wage you can offer is 9K€/month, do you want to start the discussions?"

Based on that warning, I can postpone the negociation to find a way to free more space in my budget.

Edited by zeaenarion
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