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Pass Shorter

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Heya there,


This may have been answered multiple times before.

How can I work around the inability to ADD PASS SHORTER to a player's instructions.

I recall it could be related to changing the passing style or something of the entire squad first, adjusting the player instruction, and then adjusting back the team instruction.

Help please.

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When your team is already on shorter passing there's not much sense to adding it to the player either.

However, if the team is on standard or long passing, you can add it to the player alone.

My team is instructed to go with short passes but they still hoof the ball, what's happening?

There could be many reasons:

  • Your mentality could be too high so they are still trying to do their job by taking more risks;
  • The player role make them try more risky passess(for example a BPD could try long passess a lot more than a generic defender);
  • The opposition is pressing you and you don't have the ability or a good tactic to counter it;
  • You have "pass into space" ticked so they pass into the free space wherever it is.

If the issue is the first one, you could try adding "Take fewer risks" to the single players but watch out that this could seriously limit the player

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