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Finding Good regens/newgens


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Hey guys,

just wondering if anyone had tips on finding good regens/newgens, as when i send my scouts out searching they just end up searching useless countries for months or just finding o.k player but not great ones.

This leaves me manually going through most clubs trying to find them...but isn't this what i employ my scouts for??

p.s. are all the good regens from brazil aswell?? so i can't sign them for 2/3 years or can't get a work permit-sucks.


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I always have more than one league playable on my current game I have England, Spain and Italy. I just hire decent scouts then send them off to scout the U-18 competitions of the active leagues on my game. In my 5th season now and have found 9 or 10 regens that have alot of stars or the potential to become a leading premier star. You got to be patient and if you have all players from Brazil loaded then there will be more regens from there, I have all argentinain and Brazilian players loaded. My best regens are 3 English, 1 German, 3 Spainish and 2 Italians, and 1 Japanese lad with Brazilian 2nd nationality.

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Cheers acid

however unfortunately im only playing with the english league as wasn't sure if my comp could handle too much work lol.

so can't scout u18 leagues apart from england.

Guess i'll just keep looking :)

Btw i heard that now good youth will actually come through your own youth set up if your lucky, is this true?? as it annoyed me in previous versions how utd and chelsea would get great youth but just not you.

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I have got a 3 or 4 players who the coaching staff say can become decent or good premier league players and one who they say can become a leading prem star not sure if they will become that good but it does seem better than FM08.

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If you only have the english league loaded then this is my strategy:

You just have to go onto all the big teams pages, sort the team by age and then look at the players that are young and you dont recognise. Or there are often ones that say "ctr" in there status and have a value of £0. I know this is time consuming but it does work!

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i have sent all my scouts around the world looking for players 17 or younger but its no use. anyone got any ideas?

This was my tactic in previous games also, didn't work this time round.

I have tried using the player search with the age set to 15 and sort by value etc, there are only about 4 players in this age category. Then go to 16 and 17 etc. Same as other suggestions it takes a long time and I don't really think it's very good but at the same time I don't think finding great young players should be too easy. If you're going to do this it's best to have a scout free at all times who has good stats and when you find possible signings have him scout them a couple of times to be sure.

On another note I was so busy looking for talent outside my club that Chelsea came in and signed two good prospects from my youth squad! Slapped myself in the head and went through my youth squad with a fine tooth comb but they are all gone :( I'll be paying more attention to my youth squad from now on I think.

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I see a lot of people in the specific club thread who sign great regens on free transfers.

All the good regens I find either cost several million or I have to pay £2-3m in compensation. So basically bringing in a bunch of regens who might never play for hte first team I could've signed an established player who would slot right into the starting XI.

How do people manage to pick them up for nothing? Or is "free" actually compensation?

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This is my method; Sign as many scouts as the club allows, I usually have six of them, with the following setup;

Two (2) scouts has high determination 15+ and high ability to judge player ability 15+, for finding the good players that are developed.

Four (4) scouts that has high determination 15+ and a high ability to judge player potential 15+, for finding regens.

I send them out in every country I can to find player below 18, all year around, I send all of my regen scouts to the same country, to make sure I do not miss any talent.

I usually pick up 2-3 free signings a season with maximum stars potential ability according to my scouts, and buy 4-7 for a cheap penny, relative to the club of course.

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