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[Suggestion] More (better) answer options in Press Conferences for certain questions


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Sometimes you get a question in a press conference, and none of the answer options quite conveys what you'd like to say. One example, regarding a player that's rumored to leave or similar; "You left <player> out today, can we read anything into his <club> future as a result?". In this case, the reason for not including this player was squad rotation, it was an "easy" match and some second-string players got the start for this match, but the "best" option I could use as an answer was "I didn't pick him today but the door certainly isn't closed. As long as he's a <club> player, he's part of my plans." Although this answer isn't wrong per se, it does leave a bit of an impression that the question has some legimitacy. A better answer would something along the lines of "I didn't pick him today because I wanted to rotate the squad" or "He's certainly an important player, he was just being rested today".

Other questions also has some less favorable answer options, meaning you can't convey your message the way you'd feel is the best (and using "No comment" too often isn't any better).

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