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Dynamic Youth Rating

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Does this really have an impact?

Along with a nation's development and economic power. Is it purely random? Do the top nations get the best youth players regardless of these settings? Does it depend on clubs youth facilities more than anything?


I have just watched the following 2 videos and it seems to be the case.



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To my knowledge SI have never really given a comprehensive explanation as to how DYR actually works. I know Zealand made a video basically claiming it was broken/a lie at one point in the past and the response was something along the lines of "We could've explained it better, but it wasn't a lie". 

DYR seems to be linked to certain hardcoded figures, such as economic status and a few others I think.  I don't believe it'll ever be something that makes massive impacts independently of other factors, so it's always going to go hand in hand with club youth ratings, league and club reputation and all those sort of factors. 

Top nations will still get top players regardless of the DYR for the most part, because the some static figures, as well as club and league rep and facilities. 

If anyone can expand more on the topic I'd be really interested in learning more though

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YouTubers messing with editors and getting odd results?  Bizarre.

Here’s what SI themselves say about newgen production (it’s from FM20 so may well have been changed by SI since):


Producing Newgens
The Clubs with the best Youth Recruitment will generally pick up the best Junior talent from that Nation first, the scale of that talent being determined by the Nation Youth Rating and Game Importance. The lower the Youth Recruitment the further down the pecking order a club will find itself. Two clubs with identical Youth Recruitment will be sorted by Club Reputation. Being lower down this pecking order does not mean quality Newgens cannot be produced, it simply lowers the chances.


It’s also worth mentioning that SI repeatedly state the game is based on realism.  As soon as we start moving away from realism by, for example, changing things with editors without fully understanding the impacts, we should expect odd results.

TL;DR - the game is far from perfect but odd results can quite easily be due to user inputs (which said users don’t contemplate) rather than something wrong with the game.  If these YouTubers think there’s a problem with the game they should send their results to SI for review.

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Game Importance
Economic Factor
FA Financial Status
State of Development


Then, we have Club Factors which is:

Youth Coaching
Youth Facilties
Youth Recruitment
Youth Importance

All of that (and more), playing a role. Single out Youth Rating, it's like waiting for a striker to score 200 goals because has a high Finishing attribute. It's not working like this.

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IIRC somebody ran some tests and Game Importance is the most important factor. Youth rating definitely has an effect on newgen ability, it's just a smaller impact than some of the other things.

That means nations with high game importance (and clubs with decent facilities) benefit much more from dynamic youth rating than other countries. For countries with low game importance it's just going to be a small difference.

One of the best examples of the dynamic youth rating making a decent impact is Bulgaria. They start out with game importance at max and they have some decently wealthy clubs (particularly Ludogorets). They have a pretty low youth rating compared to other countries though, so don't expect them to produce much at the beginning. Get a few decades into a save and if the DYR has boosted their youth rating, they'll start to produce a lot of very talented players. If you're simulating for 100+ years, it's pretty common to see Bulgaria win the WC or Euros. Also quite common for their newgens to help the domestic league too and for them to become a top 5/6 league in Europe.

Bulgaria certainly isn't the only country that can benefit from DYR, but they seem the most likely to see massive improvements without player interaction.

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