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Mail scoutcard strange issue encountered


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Hey Guys

Have any of you encountered similar issue before ?

i've attached a small clip of the Scout card from a mail to show whats happening (this is not happening if you have checked the "sort attributes after english alphabet" in preferences)

so the text in the clip is in danish and the sort option in preferences is unticked.


So the issue here is that when looking at a player's attribute they are sorted in 1 way corners (Hjørnespark) as 1st attribute, but after going to  the players profil and comes back, the attributes sort differently so now Passing (aflevering) is the 1st attribute

The way the attributes are Sorted in the player profil is with Passing (aflevering) as 1st attribute and it's the same code (2 diff files) for both places, so nothing has been changed in the codes to act differently


Does anyone have any suggestions to where the problem is ?

Thanks in advance





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