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What went wrong with Moukoko in my save?

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Hi all. I don't quite understand why Moukoko hasn't developed in my save. I don't manage him and he seems to have gotten a fair amount of games for Dortmund, playing 153 league games for them. I thought his potential ability would merit him becoming better than this in any event.

Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 22.41.17.png

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8 minutes ago, Andros said:

Is his PA variable? Young players often have a PA range (EG 150-180) and maybe in this save his PA is just not as high as other saves.

Yes, his PA is set randomly between:



Could be that he got the minimum in OP's save. Could also be Dortmund just didn't do a good job developing him, or he got injuries or something.

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Because, just like in real life, players are not guaranteed to develop no matter what their potential is or how “well” we try to develop them.  It’s realistic and part of the game.

In different saves I’ve had Moukoko before - he usually develops into a world class player for me but I did once have him not develop at all over the course of 4 years and I ended up selling him.

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Am I the only one thinking that he still looks quality?? 

He obviously isn't getting any caps for Germany due to the licensing issue. (although 28 goals in 36 U21 appearances is a fantastic return)

Plus you haven't told us how many goals he's scored each season for Dortmund...

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Still a good player, but that is probably the lower end of his potential (in FM23). It could be as simple as he has hit his ability cap or it could be a hugely complicated reason based on a multiplicity of factors. If it's the second, we'll likely never really know. 

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