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FM 22 - Avoiding dual nationality in my fictitious country, based in San Marino


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Hello friends, I am creating my own country I decided to make it editing to San Marino, I am having a problem with the regens, as many of these come out with dual nationality of San Marino and Italian is a bit annoying because they are usually too many.
Some things I tried was to change the country region to Asia but this did not work.
I modified all the cities of San Marino by removing the Italian language and adding the created language and that didn't work either, I also grouped them in a local region assigning the created country, that didn't work either.
I tried to remove the original San Marino cities from the database but they kept appearing and creating regens in the game, so I tried to set the country Maldives to these cities but the regens kept appearing with Italian nationality.

Basically I tried everything I could think of, if you could give me some advice I would appreciate it, greetings.

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hace 7 horas, themodelcitizen dijo:

¿Qué sucede si marca "no permite la doble nacionalidad" en la pantalla de "información" de San Marino? (no las reglas sino la nación misma)

I tried marking it in both San Marino and Italy but the regens still appear with dual nationality, I think this means that you cannot obtain dual nationality by spending time in the country.

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hace 3 minutos, themodelcitizen dijo:

Might be hard-coded. Sounds like San Marino maybe aren't the best country to use for new nations

Yes I noticed haha, it seems that it is coded that way, I decided to move everything to Georgia I have some regens Georgia/Russian but they are very small for example I only generated 15 of 600 with dual nationality while with San Marino was almost half of the regens created with San Marino/Italian nationality, greetings and thanks for answering.

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