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It's a Sair Ficht for Half a Loaf North of the Border


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I don't have many dreams, which, when your 4ft 5, and gifted with all the athletic prowess of a barrel, kinda comes with the territory. But being a football manager, well they come in all shapes and sizes.

But now at the age of 47, I feel that even this last holdout is  going to be washed away by the harsh facts of reality. I don't have much managerial experience, and nobody seems to want to take the punt on me to give me the experience. 

Without a job I'm willing to admit too, still living in my parents basement, its getting to the point (lets be honest we are well past it!) that I need to give up on it. I've made myself a written agreement that if I'm still not a football manager by the time I'm 50, well then that's it. Plus I might actually move out.

So why, you might ask, do I feel I can make it in football? Because I know everything, about everything, more or less and eidetic memory when it comes to all things football. Let me blow your mind.

Did you know that the "Uncle" of Italian football, Giuseppe Bergomi played in four world cups for his country, but he never ever played in a qualifying game. Of course you didn't.

What about the fact that Manchester United legend Matt Busby played for both Man City and Liverpool (to the tune of 300 total appearances) before he came to United.

Try this one on for size, Portsmouth are the team who have held the FA cup for the longest consecutive period, which is seven years. You can argue that amongst yourselves while I go look for a job, and we'll pick that up later.

Bohemians and Bray Wanderers in Ireland came back with "too English" so that's a no. Bohemians by the way end up appointing Marc Bircham, a Canadian, so at least they stuck to their guns.

Buckley Town had their manager Dan Moore fired a week or so later. I was feeling the heat at home! My parents had stopped respecting the labelling system for food in the kitchen. My pop tarts were being demolished at an alarming rate! 

I went for the interview, tried hold out for a coaching course as part of me joining. But realistically, with them being bottom of the JD Cymru North and semi professional, it was always going to be a tall order. They did however come back and offer me the position at £120 a week. At least for eight months, if the team goes down, then I get the boot. But for now, I can move straight into the office / shack in the corner of the Globe Way stadium. Least my pop tarts will be safe!

Now, Portsmouth, the won the FA cup in 1939, and as there was no professional football during the war years, that one final victory allowed them to hold the cup for seven years. 


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