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request fan day + request ticket price change


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 i know there have been similar request, and usually they are denied, but obviously people want them.

reason why they are turned down is (as developers say) it is not realistic for manager to be involved in that area of club. But how so that managers can choose affiliate clubs, and type of affiliates, since they can be only for  financial and marketing purposes. how it is realistic for manager to choose, fire and hire staff like DOF and HOYD since it is policy of club and matters of board and not manager. How so that managers can request higher salaries for staff since it is boards matter and not managers.

so please dont tell me these feature request are not realistic since a lot of things of similar matters are not realistic


request fan day - match day

- it usually hapens with clubs that are not fulfilling their capacity, but it happens randomly, and against smaller clubs.

-there should be option to request it to boost attendance and gain more fans

- upon request (if board trust you enough) you should be able to select game you wish to be fan day; but with some extra info. You should get list of games to select (like searching for affiliate), and there should be some stats with it - expected attendance without fan day, and one one with fan day.

- you can choose type of fan day, such as:

  1. tickets are 10%-30% of regular price
  2. 1+1 ticket
  3. get child u15 for free
  4. bundle tickets - example - first game is against weaker oponnent, and second game is some rival match. if you buy ticket for first game (weaker oponnent) you get free ticket for derby game, or you get at least 50% discount to rival game ticket price (seen this type of promotion in real life)

- there are pros and cons for selecting weaker oponnent or rival - for easier visual representation lets say stadium capacity is 100k seats, with average att around 20k, and max around 70k

  1. if you choose to promote against weaker club you can get extra 10-20% capacity for that game - totaling 30-40k attendance (extra 10k-20k for that game)
  2. if you choose to promote against weaker club you can get 3-5% increase in other games - totaling 23k-25k average attendance
  3. if you choose to promote against rival club  you can easily get 100% attendance for that game - totaling 100k att (extra 30k for that game)
  4. if you choose to promote against rival club you can gain 8-12% increase in other games - totaling 28k-32k average attendance
  5. if you choose to promote against weaker club you get only profit, but smaller one
  6. if you choose to promote against rival club you loose money on that specific game (since you already had 70k att), but gain more money on other game

-these are just out of head numbers, and it is just for examples, but i guess you see where this feature request is going


request ticket price change

-as you can request for improving facilities, increasing staff wages, and hiring/firing all staff; you should be able to request another club matter - ticket prices and changes in revenue and attendances accordingly

-this can be done similar to request for affiliate,with different versions:

  1. you ask, board agrees and makes decisions on its own
  2. you ask, board agrees and asks you if you want to take part in it

- in either case it takes around month to get to decisions (since it takes some study and market research for it)

-no matter what decision would be, you loose some money on researching market, because you pay some agency to do it for you. You loose around 10k-100k for that (depending on city you are in, your average attendance and region that you are in)

- because you loose money, the decision to do research would be denied more often in lower leagues clubs that dont have that money to spare, but to richer clubs that shouldnt be a problem so that research would be almost every time approved

-if you are taking part in decision making, you get some short results from research such as:

  1.  if we increase price for x% it will result in y% decrease in att, but will result in yx% increase/decrease in revenue
  2. if we decrease price for x% it will result in y% increase in att but will result in yx% increase/decrease in revenue
  3. repeat step 1 and 2 for different percentage of changes, so you can choose form increase/decrease of 5,10,20 or 50% price

-increase in price shouldnt mean that att will fall for sure, if you sold out every game, and have a lot of season ticket waiting list, you shouldnt feel a thing, only decrease in waiting list numbers. Because if you have 100k stadium, and 50k on waiting list that means you'll probably sell out every game. But if you increase price youll loose some fans wanting to attend (lets say number you loose is around 30k), but youll still sell out almost every game, but wouldnt have that waiting list anymore. Only games that youll loose attendances are irrelevant cup games against lower league clubs

-if you are managing team that is rising in reputation, you should be able to increase ticket prices without loosing fans for obvious reasons. but if you are managing team that is holding its reputation (either worldwide club or e.g. accomplished premier league club), ticket price changes should reflect on attendances. And of course if you are underachieving and/or falling in reputation, it should matter alot, and basically you/ll have to decrease prices to keep your seats full

-request should be able to me made both for single game tickets, and season tickets


more involvement in build new/expand stadium


-if you get your board to expand or build new stadium, you should get option to consult with them of your opinion of capacity/roofing etc

-if your board decides to build/expand on their own, you should get message something like when they decide to increase wages for physios, and ask for your opinion - and like that, 80% of decisions they will make no matter what you say, unless your job security is untouchable

-some options will happen:

  1. board will get you list of 3 or 4 blueprints and you can make your recommendation
  2. board will ask you and you'll interact with them just like you interact with them on job interview. They ask what should be capacity, and you choose from answers available, next they ask you if you think there should be roof etc etc until you go trough all options
  3. few weeks after you make your demands/request/recommendations trough step 2, board presents you with 2-3 options with all info (seats/roofing/grass) and their price and time to build
  4. the bigger the stadium, more time will be needed to construct, so if you choose new big stadium with 80k seats it may took 4 years to finish, so you might end up in choosing one with 50-60k seats that will take only 2 years to build (and sooner you get to use it)

-much more simple is to negotiate for expansion



To end all this long post, some things are same for all 3 requests above:

-the longer you are in club and more the board likes you, you easily get your requests (as in request that are in the game now)

-the more fans influence on board is, it is harder to get request for tickets price increase, but it is bigger change in attendances if you lower the prices. Similar with fan day and stadium requests

fans influence on board should be hidden attributes (not sure it they are now) with 1-20 score, not 5 star ratings. And it should change accordingly - when changing owner (increase or  decrease), when changing prices (if you lower the prices fans influence will decrease, since more casual fans will be in stadium, and vice versa - if you increase prices, less people will attend, mostly casual fans, and bigger % of hardcore fans will be in stadium and more influence they will have on board - resulting in all those request regarding fans and stadium.


I hope you'll review these feature requests, and not just push it under the carpet. I hope i made it simple for everyone to understand my ideas behind all this.

This is just my view of how it could be done, and all other suggestions are very welcome.


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