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Tips for my 3421

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Hi all,

I needs some tips, if is possible, for my 3421.

The defensive phase are good, not some problems, the only problems are made by players, not good enough, but in the offensive phase i think that we create a lot but we don't score a gol. it's a tactic problem or player problem?

Another thing, i've a dubt for setting of my AM, move into channles? stay wider? go forward?

Can anyone help me please?











Edited by Mik_Fe
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Have you had a read of this? It's pretty comprehensive all about the 3421. It talks about everything to do with the shape and what is expected of the positions. Also talks about issues, spotting them and finding solutions for them. I go into depth about spotting issues before they happen too.


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Yes Cleon, i read all and search another tips on your site, but the idea is different, and i want to build tactic on this idea..

Is more important your thread to create my tactic in the past!

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3 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

Yes Cleon, i read all and search another tips on your site, but the idea is different, and i want to build tactic on this idea..

Is more important your thread to create my tactic in the past!

It shouldn't matter that the idea is different, as its universal. It talks about the issues you've posted about and how to identify them and then fix/solve them. I post these exact issues you are having and showed examples of what fixes or stuff you can try. I'm not saying use the roles I used. I'm saying look at the details I posted and issues, and it answers your questions above :)

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I like to keep things simple, personally I would remove all PIs, and change your left DM to a more attack-minded role, such as segundo volante for example, since your left AM is on attack duty.

And if you want you could put your right WB to an attack duty 

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24 minuti fa, Cleon ha scritto:

It shouldn't matter that the idea is different, as its universal. It talks about the issues you've posted about and how to identify them and then fix/solve them. I post these exact issues you are having and showed examples of what fixes or stuff you can try. I'm not saying use the roles I used. I'm saying look at the details I posted and issues, and it answers your questions above :)

Cleon, in your thread i can't see the PI, are all in default? beacuse the PI in my tactic change a lot of what the player did in game.

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5 minuti fa, sonnevillejr ha scritto:

Mi piace mantenere le cose semplici, personalmente rimuoverei tutti i PI e cambierei il tuo DM sinistro in un ruolo più orientato all'attacco, come ad esempio segundo volante, poiché il tuo AM sinistro è in servizio di attacco.

E se vuoi puoi mettere il tuo WB destro in un dovere di attacco 

Nice, but SV haven't the PI "hold position", i want a role that can i active the Pi if i need, and the DM have this, know what i mean?

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2 hours ago, Mik_Fe said:

Nice, but SV haven't the PI "hold position", i want a role that can i active the Pi if i need, and the DM have this, know what i mean?

Yes but I think you can afford to have a more attack-minded player since you have 3 CDs + 1 BWM. Like in a 433, at least one of the midfielder has to provide enough support otherwise the front 3 can be too isolated. 

In your case, the BWM won’t be too adventurous when you have the ball but that’s fine since you have a support duty in front of him. Regarding the left side, your left AM is on attack duty so he will be further forward, therefore you might need a player who brings the ball out of defense on that side

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4 minuti fa, sonnevillejr ha scritto:

Sì, ma penso che tu possa permetterti di avere un lettore con una mentalità più offensiva dato che hai 3 CD + 1 BWM. Come in un 433, almeno uno dei centrocampisti deve fornire un supporto sufficiente altrimenti il 3 davanti può essere troppo isolato. 

Nel tuo caso, il BWM non sarà troppo avventuroso quando hai la palla, ma va bene dato che hai un compito di supporto davanti a lui. Per quanto riguarda il lato sinistro, il tuo AM sinistro è in attacco quindi sarà più avanti, quindi potresti aver bisogno di un giocatore che porti la palla fuori dalla difesa su quel lato

did you think that DM with "go forward" is a choice? or only SV?

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Just a few quick ideas:

  1. Remove all PIs, it’s simply too much for a system which isn’t fully refined yet in its core. You can add them (some) later. PIs generally are the last layer of tactical instructions you should add to really sharpen your idea. Mentality -> Team Instructions -> Player Instructions -> Opposition instruction. They don’t override each other, but following this path will help you to achieve your goals.
  2. Define how you want to attack / defend and look for styles that could complement each other. If you are looking for quick transitions (in possession) don’t play out from the back, play more narrow and through the middle. (In transition) look for quick distribution of the GK and fast offensive transitions -> Counter. (Out of possession) Try out a mid-block maybe even use slightly lower pressing triggers, trap inside to catch them off guard
  3. re-think some of your roles, all 3 attackers (ST, 2x AM) do attack central areas of the pitch. Maybe think about having one or two of them to move / attack into channels. It will help you to better use the space and increase the variety of your attack. I don’t exactly know your idea of how you want to play, but distributing duties in a way where players make runs from different angles and create depth behind and ahead of the ball could help your game anyway. 


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