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Transfer Budgets


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Hi all,

One thing I'd love to see change in future versions of FM is the conversion of 'Next seasons transfer budget' into the current transfer budget some the end of the season.


Current season with Newcastle I had £240m transfer budget issued at the end of last season. I couldn't spend it all, I didn't need to. So I went through the season with £84m left over, with a guaranteed budget of £115m for next.

I've tested the theory, if I spend all that £84m I get around the £115m issued (so over £200m in my balance) however if I do not spent the budget and forget to transfer it to wages before the date then you appear to lose out. Currently my budget is £110m, which is both lower than the guaranteed budget and only actually an increase of £24m.

Why make this element of the game so complicated? If there is an estimated budget for next season surely that is in addition to what you either have or make during the season, but both seem to impact this figure. 

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The board decides your transfer budget and wage budget based on the finances of your club and their ambition. Not spending that transfer budget will make it so that your balance will be higher, effecting your wage and transfer budgets down the line, as well as transfer retention. Also, if you were able to simply accumulate transfer budget year on year then you could end up with a transfer budget that could jeopardize the club, if the club had been losing money over the last 5 years, but accumulated transfer budget so now you have a 500,000,000 transfer budget but only 100,000,000 in the bank.

At the end of the day, this is realistic. Budgets in business are annual and do not role over. This is why you will see departments in companies 'wasting' their budget on useless things at the end of the fiscal year because budgets are use it or lose it. In real life company boards and football boards need to monitor the financial exposure of their club and allowing accumulation of this exposure year on year is simply not sustainable.


With that said, I played a save with the isle of man FC (like 8th tier english team) which makes a ton of money each year. The board continued to allow me to accumulate my transfer budget year on year until I had about 1 million transfer budget. This was because the board was ambitious and the club was bringing in about 600k a year while only spending 250k a year.

Edited by phantombandit
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I understand your point, but it doesn't answer the question.

If you can move the entire budget to your wages on the right date, you get the guaranteed budget, within a week or two you can then move it all back to the transfer budget.

My point is I think there is a better way this could be handled in game, after all this is a game. What happens IRL that doesn't happen in the game is that conversation about "If you don't need this budget/spend this budget before x date, it'll be moved to the stat accounts and show as profit generated for the business". There's a better way to transition from year 0 budget to year 1 budget, it shouldn't just be an arbitrary date whereby if you happen to have forgotten you miss out.

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From my understanding the board predetermines your wage and transfer budget and they will adjust it up or down accordingly when they make your budgets. Atleast that is my understanding.


Also, the date isnt arbitrary. It will happen the day after you secure promotion or relegation, or the day after your last match of the season, atleast from what I have noticed.

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