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More nuanced holiday mode

ceefax the cat

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It'd be incredibly useful to be able to automatically return from holiday in certain situations, such as:

- When a certain job or type of job becomes available

- When offered a new contract

- When offered an interview

I'm sure there are others, but those three in particular would save a lot of time and make being unemployed 99% less tedious. Currently if you're looking for, say, a three-star reputation job in Europe, or a top-tier job with at least a 50k/w budget, you've no choice but to manually press continue, potentially for months, which is obviously incredibly unrewarding.

To be able to give the assistant manager more detailed instructions regarding buying and selling players would be great too, rather than just 'reject all bids'.

Edited by ceefax the cat
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or when players are wanting to talk to you because they are angry and you just deny talking to them, or when squad registration etc... comes up. Basically any time you get one of those 'must answer' emails, it would be nice if you auto returned.

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