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[Suggestion] Allow multiple interactions (allow to trigger multiple Player interactions at once)


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I have this little User Experience issue with Player interactions and I would like to present my Idea to fix my issue.

So I like to do a bunch of individual talk regarding the same topic all at once (Monthly meetings regarding Conduct/ Trainingperformance feedback talks/ Praise-Critque Last Game) I would like to be able to select all the players relevant to that topic and trigger the interactions with all of them at once.
This would save lots of clicks. It is quiet tedious to click the same thing over and over again.

The individual Meetings can still be shown like they are now but instead of "End Talk" there should be a "Next Talk"-Button which brings the FM-Player to the next interaction talk with the next player.

Example Use Case:

-FM-Player is in Squad view.

-FM-Player chooses multiple players to talk to.


-FM-Player chooses topic he wants to talk with all players about


FM-Player has multiple individual meetings one after each other.

If a meeting is scheduled wrongly the "Next-Talk" Button while just cancel the current meeting like it does currently.

This could also be used for interactions like fines select multiple players execute the same interaction for all of them (E.g. "1 Day Fine")

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