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[FM2023] Reintroducing Myself to Football Manager


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I think the last time I properly played Football Manager was back in the days of FM2012 (up until then I played every version since back in Championship Manager 1998 days). I did have a little dabble on FM2019, but that soon petered out. 

Anyway, with a bit of extra time on my hands and (as my wife calls it) my midlife crisis coming into effect, I've decided to splash out on a new laptop and give FM2023 a whirl. 

Like when I previously used to play, I enjoy starting as the lowest possible manager (eg Sunday League) and unemployed, and notice I now have to do coaching licences, so I'm C Licence I think. Anyway, my ultimate aim is to become the most successful Aston Villa Manager in history. However I need to earn my way there. 

So where am I starting, after deciding to do "Apply All" in the Job Centre...



Let's see how well I go. Look out Villa Park, I'll be with you at some point in the 2110's!

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After a couple of months spent "exploring" the game and trying to get my head around the changes that have happened in the last 11 years, I finally came to my first game in charge. A friendly against Papua New Guinea, and what a start:


I decided to go with a 4-3-3 formation, playing route one/direct. With 2 wingers and a central Target Man, and it paid off. 


For the rest of the season, though, despite many requests to set up friendlies, I was only able to play 2 more:


So finished the season unbeaten in my 3 games. Not much of a feat really, but I'll take it. 

May 2023 saw the draw for the Pacific Games, something New Caledonia has a very good history in:


I am the highest ranked side in my group (recently increased to 157th, from 158th when I started). Unfortunately Germain Haewegene who scored 5 goals in my debut got injured on eve of squad annoucement, but I'm fairly confident with the squad I am taking that we can do well.

On the day of the opening fixture however, a spanner in the works. I am approached by 2 teams in Northern Ireland who want to interview me for their vacant managerial positions. Clearly news of my unbeaten season in the South Pacific have reached their ears!




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First up we have:


Having finished the season 10th in the Championship, some distance behind the runaway leaders (and out of the "Championship Group") this looks like a difficult challenge. Especially as it appears the board are looking at a promotion push in 2023/24 season.


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My second option is:


They got relegated from the Premier League this season, and by quite a margin:


The board are indicating that they are looking at somebody who fits their "scaled back vision" of the club, so this one appears a better fit as it will have less pressure to get promotion, instead maybe to consolidate. 

I will talk to them both and see what happens, and I know that realistically in order to improve my reputation I need to get into a league structure within Europe, but not sure if Northern Ireland is the right starting point. We will see!

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Good luck with this. I play the heck out of FM, but the last version I purchased before 23, was FM16. And wow, what a difference. I'm glad I bought 23. I too, started a story, although living in the states, I decided to start with a club at Level 5 in the US. (I use the USA 7 Tier Promotion Relegation Mod). Haven't done an FM story, only baseball/hockey, but I'm really enjoying it, and I find I get to know my club better, pay more attention to the league, and take my time "simming" the game. 

Good luck with your career, and I'll be following. 

Edited by dtown1414
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