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can having 2 advanced forwards work?

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i like advanced forwards and the idea of 2 strikers instead of 1 with the goal of getting more goals so i have switched from my 4-2-3-1 possession football to 4-2-4 but im trying both strikers as advanced forwards and im wondering if thats viable or just a dream i should wake up from and i should switch 1 of them to a different role?

can 2 advanced strikers link up as well?

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I’ve never been able to get this to work, especially in a 4-2-4, I think they get in each others way! 

My instant thought would be to try it in a diamond, with your most creative midfielder in an attacking midfield AP role just behind them. Let one of the AFs roam from his position and have the other set up as default, so they try and do different things to find space for your AP. 

Edited by Kelvin782
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It can work, but it isnt ideal. Advanced forwards are like playmakers, they attract the ball during finishing chances. Two finishers will create two people looking to do the same thing and playing in a very selfish manner. I would advise a more supporting role for the second striker.

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