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The auto-save was broken after version 14.2.0

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Hi bros! Recently I find there's a bug of auto-save function. For example, I've played for times and in game time has already run to Mar 20th, the game will always saved the date no matter I left the game or even the APP crashed. When I back to game and load, I can find the 'Most Recent' save was in Mar 20th in the elderly versions. But versions after 14.2.0 this function seem not to work I only find the 'Most Recent' save not right in Mar 20th. My device is iOS 14.5. Could you help with this problem? Thank you and love the game.

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Another thing (save-related) that I have seen with the latest update (14.3.0) is that some time when you do a manual save the game hangs. Fortunately, the save works, but you have to kill the game and restart when this happens. I am using a Galaxy S20 Note Ultra, so not the latest and greatest, but still a decent processor.

Anyway, just an FYI. Since it locks up and only occurs occasionally I can't submit a save game to demonstrate the issue.

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