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Simple crafting of a 4-3-3 DM

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7 minutos atrás, Johnny Ace disse:

Looks alright all round @josel15

I'd still make a few changes though

I'd go double Wingbacks on Support seeing as both wide forwards cut inside. A FB(A) may drift infield and you'll lose width on the right

The IF(S) is an aggressive role, probably a 50/50 split on scoring/creating, I'd mix up the frontline a bit and seeing Di Maria, you have an excellent creator from wide. IW(A) is also pretty aggressive, so I'd drop him down to Support, something like this:


Then if you're rotating Di Maria out, use an IF(S) instead of the AP(A)

It's similar to this one but with a BBM/WB(S) instead of the BMW/WB(A)

Your TIs look possession based but I think Work Ball into Box is a bit much, I'll really not a fan of that TI 

In Transition and Out of Possession look nice and snappy, just tone those down a little if they cause you issues :thup:

That was the feedback I was expecting.

I was only "scared" I would have an issue with the AP(att) in the sense that it would lack penetration, but I have to test it.

The dual WB(s) has always been a favourite of mine since FM15, but I haven't used it in a while.

Where I thought you would have an issue is on the midfield,but I guess I got it right. Probably gonna put the B2B on the left to have dynamism in the left side, with the CM(s) on the right being more of a midfield giving space to Di Maria or Neres.

The team instructions, probably the game "stops" happening stuff due to work ball in the box, my tram has played better without it. I will test this.

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6 minutes ago, josel15 said:

Where I thought you would have an issue is on the midfield,but I guess I got it right. Probably gonna put the B2B on the left to have dynamism in the left side, with the CM(s) on the right being more of a midfield giving space to Di Maria or Neres.

I like the BBM and AP(A) combo, they should both support each other well but play around with it and your different players to see how it plays out :thup:

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Hi everyone,

I’m exploring ways to best utilize Mauro Icardi in my tactic. Icardi, being my favorite player, is someone I definitely want to include in my starting XI. Usually, I prefer the Advanced Forward (AF) role due to its aggressive positioning and attacking nature. However, Icardi’s speed isn't ideal for the AF role. 

Here’s the challenge: I believe that transforming him into a DLF could benefit the team more, allowing him to link up play and bring others into the game, capitalizing on his intelligence rather than pace. How can I fit a DLF role in this setup or should I need to change some roles and duties?

How is my 4-3-3 in general? Any tips? 



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10 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

I think with the way you're set up, you're already well set for a DLF

The IF(A) on the left and the high lines should all come together great

How's Icardi as a CF?

Yes, but it doesn't give me the same effect as the AF role. I think the AF role in FM is overpowered! Only role that I can trust all the time haha. 
I tried a DLF on Support and Attack, but got the feeling I was lacking some attacking threat on the opponent. 
Didn't tried it on a CF role, but can be worth testing. What can I expect when I play him as an CF? 
He is more involved in everything? 


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10 minutes ago, ultrAslan said:

Yes, but it doesn't give me the same effect as the AF role. I think the AF role in FM is overpowered! 

Sure is :lol: It's been levelled out a bit in 24 though 

11 minutes ago, ultrAslan said:

I tried a DLF on Support and Attack, but got the feeling I was lacking some attacking threat on the opponent. 

It should be fine if you're pushing up the pitch 

11 minutes ago, ultrAslan said:

Didn't tried it on a CF role, but can be worth testing. What can I expect when I play him as an CF? 
He is more involved in everything? 

It's an amazing role and combines well with an IF(A). If he can carry out the role, give it a try for sure 

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12 minuti fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

It's an amazing role and combines well with an IF(A). If he can carry out the role, give it a try for sure 

do you suggest CF and not F9 if I have two IF - at ?? really?

If my structure is fluid, CF has roaming position.. it s ok or is so much in your opinion?

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2 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

do you suggest CF and not F9 if I have two IF - at ?? really?

Erm, yes. It's awesome. CF's drop off & roam, the IF fills in :thup:

4 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

If my structure is fluid, CF has roaming position.. it s ok or is so much in your opinion?

Don't worry about the Fluid tag at all, it means nothing 

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2 minuti fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

Non preoccuparti affatto del tag Fluid, non significa nulla 

but.. but the fluidity of the team, if it is fluid, doesn't it mean that they already wander slightly from their position with respect to the area of competence??
I remembered it like this.. and very fluid, they increase the range of movement even more compared to their starting position.. this is why the reaggression after losing the ball is better with fluid or very fluid modules..
you are opening a new thing in my mind.. hahahaha
shouldn't I pay attention to the fluidity? why should I take it into consideration?

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47 minuti fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

No, ignoralo amico, è solo la quantità di compiti di supporto che hai


ma scusa.. più creatività e più disciplina?? cosa fanno? aggiunge o riduce la fluidità della squadra.. ma, se la fluidità della squadra non è importante per il movimento dei giocatori in campo... perché esiste? 

it only for understanding..

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14 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:


but excuse me.. more creativity and more discipline?? What do they do? It adds or reduces the fluidity of the team... but, if the fluidity of the team is not important for the movement of the players on the field... Why does it exist?

it only for understanding..

That's right, it's just a tag, has been for years now, don't worry about it or even look at it :thup:

Look at your roles, the PI's will instruct your players to roam or not. Playmakers generally have Creative Freedom, then Be More Expressive/ More Disciplined will increase or decrease that 

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1 minuto fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

I registi generalmente hanno libertà creativa, quindi essere più espressivi/più disciplinati aumenterà o diminuirà tale libertà

Ok boss.. last question because i dont understaind.. into PI there are Roam from position and hold position, into TI there are be more expressive and be more disciplined..

Which are the difference? i dont think if i do be more expressive into TI, just refer only Playmaker.. correctr?

Roam position and hold position into PI they are quite clear on what they do.. but here I understand that they are two different instructions, team creativity and player movement?

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1 minute ago, Mik_Fe said:

Ok boss.. last question because i dont understaind.. into PI there are Roam from position and hold position, into TI there are be more expressive and be more disciplined..

Which are the difference? i dont think if i do be more expressive into TI, just refer only Playmaker.. correctr?

Roam position and hold position into PI they are quite clear on what they do.. but here I understand that they are two different instructions, team creativity and player movement?

That's right, PI Roam from Position is just that (as far as I know). Be More Expressive is giving the team (attacking players?) more Creative Freedom and Roaming

Same with Hold Position PI, tells the players to roam less, Be More Disciplined tells the team (defensive players?) to roam less and use less Creative Freedom 

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Interested to get thoughts on a tactic i've created and currently testing with Chelsea. I'm trying to create a cross of Gegenpress and possession tactic where the lone striker scores most of the goals with the AML and AMR chipping in.


Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 11.58.16.png


Thoughts and ideas welcomed. 

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il y a une heure, J.T a dit :

Interested to get thoughts on a tactic i've created and currently testing with Chelsea. I'm trying to create a cross of Gegenpress and possession tactic where the lone striker scores most of the goals with the AML and AMR chipping in.


Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 11.58.16.png


Thoughts and ideas welcomed. 

I like the set up.

Maybe vs easy opponents, changing the DM def on DM sup.

Vs tougher opponents, changing the AF at on PF at.


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3 hours ago, Mik_Fe said:




About this thread.. it's not simple simple 433, but it have some principles..

Anyone want to advise me how to improve it further?

How have things been going defensively? Personally, I love a good halfback to slot into a back three when I'm using two wingbacks to get high up the pitch. Makes things a bit more stable at the back, IMO.

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20 minuti fa, StatboySpurs ha scritto:

Come sono andate le cose in difesa? Personalmente, adoro un buon mediano da inserire nella difesa a tre quando utilizzo due terzini per arrivare in alto in campo. Rende le cose un po' più stabili sul retro, IMO.

this is the first season...


and this is the second season, i m at april



not bad in defense and not bad in attack.. I think

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40 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

this is the first season...


and this is the second season, i m at april



not bad in defense and not bad in attack.. I think

Yeah, you are within shouting distance of the top four, so you don't need to do too much. Just a personal preference, but I do like the halfback. Your wingbacks bombing up will leave space down the flanks, and since the halfback drops between the two CBs in possession, the CBs move wider. That helps alleviate some of that threat down the flank.

Also, I never use two playmakers next to each other, though some people swear by it. I'd probably switch one of them to a box to box or mezzala on support. It would be nice to have a little more scoring threat from midfield.

I consider myself fairly mediocre at tactics, but that's what I'd try.

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The HB in a 433 it s a must to have for me.. but in the few years, i prefer DM and this year even more with positional play.. the HB last year drops in the middle of CB and when our possession is in the finald third he comes 5-6 meters forward than CB, this year no, stay blocked in the middle and in this way two CM doesnt have a backward discharge of the ball.. this is what i see.. if anyone has another opionion i m ready to listen..

About two Playmaker i love that i hace always the time two player in the middle that they can overload one flank or other flank, if i put BB or Mezzala he leave his position from a more high space in the pitch, I dont want this beacause my forward return to collect the ball often, and it will be more players in less space..:brock:

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On 17/11/2023 at 12:04, J.T said:

Interested to get thoughts on a tactic i've created and currently testing with Chelsea. I'm trying to create a cross of Gegenpress and possession tactic where the lone striker scores most of the goals with the AML and AMR chipping in.


Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 11.58.16.png


Thoughts and ideas welcomed. 

I'd swap Fernandez and Nkunku's roles and duties around - should dovetail better with the wide players they're next to.

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First of all, nice post ! The first tactic helped a lot in my first season with Wolves, even achieving 6th in the Premier which was awesome. However, this season has started and the tactic has not worked at all so I decided to tweak some things because the AF didn't get the balls and did not score at all compared to the IF and the IW. And basically I decided to convert the AF into a CF and change the BWM into a CM on attack hoping that we get better results, which was not the case at all.

The problems are the following: We get destroyed when teams pass into space and when the other team counter us. I've tried to play on "Counter" too and with more direct play but we lose many balls during this process. It's even worse when trying to play short as we tend to have possesion but never shoot at the goal.


So, can anyone help me tweak this tactic in order to obtain better results?











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  • 2 weeks later...

with a CF-A it s better to have two IW-So or two IF-So?

Which are your suggestions?

behind they there two playmakers...


I modify my tactic that i post above..



SK: Pass it shorter

WB:Cross from byline, run wide with ball, shoot less often, stay wider

BPD: dribble mroe, shoot less often, mark tighter

CD: Pass it shorter, mark tighter

DM:Take fewer risks, hold position, tackle harder, mark tighter

RPM: Dribble less, move into channels

AP: Roam from position

IF: mark tighter

IW: take mnore risks, get further forward, mark tighter

CF: pass it shorter


Anyone can tell me if the position of roles are ok? i mean if AP it's ok in the same side of IW or not for example and if i can upgrade this tactic to will make better..!?


I'm completely in confusion beacuse the strenght points of FM23 tactics, in this FM 24 the same tactics it's not the same, expecially in the defensive phase and in some matches also in offensive phase..



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On 03/12/2023 at 08:51, Mik_Fe said:

with a CF-A it s better to have two IW-So or two IF-So?

Which are your suggestions?

The combination you have is fine, two wide attackers doing different things

On 03/12/2023 at 08:51, Mik_Fe said:

behind they there two playmakers...

Why two? Looking through the roles, you have 7 of 11 players looking to play risky passes then keepy ball TI's

On 03/12/2023 at 08:51, Mik_Fe said:




The TI's look fine, but the In Possession instructions look a bit "pass the ball into the back of the net", they'll limit the team's attacking options

On 03/12/2023 at 08:51, Mik_Fe said:


SK: Pass it shorter

WB:Cross from byline, run wide with ball, shoot less often, stay wider

BPD: dribble mroe, shoot less often, mark tighter

CD: Pass it shorter, mark tighter

DM:Take fewer risks, hold position, tackle harder, mark tighter

RPM: Dribble less, move into channels

AP: Roam from position

IF: mark tighter

IW: take mnore risks, get further forward, mark tighter

CF: pass it shorter


Why all the PI's? Most make no sense, a SK with pass it even shorter. WB's cross from byline when you're using work ball into box, Hold Position on a Support DM, AP to roam when the RPM already roams, take more risks on the IW so another player to take risks, pass it shorter on a CF.

On 03/12/2023 at 08:51, Mik_Fe said:

Anyone can tell me if the position of roles are ok? i mean if AP it's ok in the same side of IW or not for example and if i can upgrade this tactic to will make better..!?


I'm completely in confusion beacuse the strenght points of FM23 tactics, in this FM 24 the same tactics it's not the same, expecially in the defensive phase and in some matches also in offensive phase

The is the Simple Crafting a 4-3-3 DM thread, the tactics are supposed to be simple ie using simple roles with the minimum T & PIs so my advise would be, if you're having issues, is to simplify :thup:


On 24/11/2023 at 12:33, DarbyAllin__ said:

First of all, nice post ! The first tactic helped a lot in my first season with Wolves, even achieving 6th in the Premier which was awesome. However, this season has started and the tactic has not worked at all so I decided to tweak some things because the AF didn't get the balls and did not score at all compared to the IF and the IW. And basically I decided to convert the AF into a CF and change the BWM into a CM on attack hoping that we get better results, which was not the case at all.

The problems are the following: We get destroyed when teams pass into space and when the other team counter us. I've tried to play on "Counter" too and with more direct play but we lose many balls during this process. It's even worse when trying to play short as we tend to have possesion but never shoot at the goal.


So, can anyone help me tweak this tactic in order to obtain better results?

Thanks, but reread the entire thing :D

Starting from the back, you could easily have both WBs on Attack with the HB. Then you need to sort out the midfield, reign in the CM(A), it's an absolutely wild role but with now both WBs on Attack (wild roles) and HB (or even with two WB's on Support and the HB) it would disjoint the midfield and leave gaps (like you've found out). BBM and BWM here might do the job, would lean more toward a CM(S) and BWM(S). Nice tight midfield three and allows the WBs to go forward as much as they like

Front line looks alright, it makes no sense with the TI's though. Mid Block with a striker that drops off? You want a role to push forward. You're a top 6 team, push the team up and then let the striker drop off if you're trying to get an IF(A) on the end of things 

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On 28/07/2023 at 09:41, Johnny Ace said:

I should've reserved some posts at the start of this thread, here's a bit of an index:


Out and out Striker


Creative Striker and Creative Goal Scoring Striker


With Fullbacks  


Fullback and Wingback 

Fullback and Wingback(Attack)  



Possession style with a Regista/ Roaming Playmaker

False 9 including an overload

Target Man Direct style - untried 

Wide Advanced Playmaker and Trequartista 

Complete Forward/ Trequartista 

Roaming Playmaker in Centre Midfield 

Pressing Forward (Defend)

The IWB(A)

Think that's all of them :thup:


Hopefully this'll work, but a repost of the index and every 4-3-3 DM I put together with a bit of blurb on each. Click the little transparent arrow on the top right of each post to go to the post rather than the start of the thread. If you're struggling, lean more toward one of these templates that fit your position rather than try and reinvent the 4-3-3 DM wheel  

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1 ora fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

SK with pass it even shorter. WB's cross from byline when you're using work ball into box, Hold Position on a Support DM, AP to roam when the RPM already roams, take more risks on the IW so another player to take risks, pass it shorter on a CF.

Thank you @Johnny Ace for your feedback.. so, would I delete these PI that you say above? all correct?
And other, i try to delete work ball into box but, without PI that i delete before? it make sense? or do you  mean one of the two options?

Or, for clarification, do you mean another thing? (I understaind your idea to simplify the TI)

1 ora fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

you have 7 of 11 players looking to play risky passes then keepy ball TI's

Yes, correct, in my opinion works fine because they try to pass the ball in risk way and not in sterile way... in my opinion eh.. :D

Did you suggest others options?


1 ora fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

two wide attackers doing different things

Thanks.. ok!

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33 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

Thank you @Johnny Ace for your feedback.. so, would I delete these PI that you say above? all correct?
And other, i try to delete work ball into box but, without PI that i delete before? it make sense? or do you  mean one of the two options?

That's a lot of questions! :D I mean both :thup: Work ball into box just means to me "score less goals" Crossing and long shots are both viable ways of scoring goals, WBIB just cuts down on those so I prefer to use it situationally rather than as a standard 

33 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

Yes, correct, in my opinion works fine because they try to pass the ball in risk way and not in sterile way... in my opinion eh.. :D

I agree, you can try and balance out one with the other but why bother when you don't have to

The players in this game are all individuals, the more PIs and TIs you give them means the more instructions they have to follow when they have so many different attributes and traits anyway   


33 minutes ago, Mik_Fe said:

Did you suggest others options?

 Try it out, for sure, you know your team a lot better than I or anyone else does. 

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12 ore fa, Johnny Ace ha scritto:

That's a lot of questions! :D I mean both :thup: Work ball into box just means to me "score less goals" Crossing and long shots are both viable ways of scoring goals, WBIB just cuts down on those so I prefer to use it situationally rather than as a standard 

I agree, you can try and balance out one with the other but why bother when you don't have to

The players in this game are all individuals, the more PIs and TIs you give them means the more instructions they have to follow when they have so many different attributes and traits anyway   


 Try it out, for sure, you know your team a lot better than I or anyone else does. 

I totally understand what you mean, both for the WBIB and for the players' PIs.. I'll try to remove the WBIB to see the stats and xG after 4-5 games... thanks so much for your feedback!

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vor 14 Minuten schrieb HowzatFM:

To get the 4-3-3 to defend in a 4-1-4-1 mid block, is it best to have the wide players on support or move them back to the wide midfielder role? 

It depends on how you want to defend. In a real 4-1-4-1 shape with a cautious midfield press? Then players on the wide midfield position, maybe on support, with a mid block or lower line of engagement should do the job best. But depending on your opponents formation, your line of engagement and individual player instructions a winger on support in the wide midfield position can defend and press just as high as a inside forward on attack in the OML/R position.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb ThomasHK1979:

Which role do you find best for the DM position?

You could also ask which of your shirts would be the best match for your outfit without telling us what the rest of your outfit looks like. It depends on the rest of your tactics which role is best for the DM position.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any noticeable-to-the-eye changes that you would recommend making here?

I basically want to Un-Haaland the league and have set some objective around Nunez being the best striker in the league over the next decade.

But he and the team have been pretty toothless...

Any suggestions/advice/recommendations welcome.


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3 hours ago, ashlfcowen said:

Any noticeable-to-the-eye changes that you would recommend making here?

I basically want to Un-Haaland the league and have set some objective around Nunez being the best striker in the league over the next decade.

But he and the team have been pretty toothless...

Any suggestions/advice/recommendations welcome.


I think your set-up is pretty decent, some little adjustments could make the difference

Trent > IWBsu
Robertson > WBat
Diaz > IFsu

+ shorter passing
+ run at defence
+ distribute quickly

Also, is Thiago performing? Otherwise I would use a 'strong' DM there and play him just as a DMsu

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vor 23 Stunden schrieb ashlfcowen:

Any noticeable-to-the-eye changes that you would recommend making here?

I basically want to Un-Haaland the league and have set some objective around Nunez being the best striker in the league over the next decade.

But he and the team have been pretty toothless...

Any suggestions/advice/recommendations welcome.


Alexander-Arnold is one of the best offensive fullbacks in the game and playing him on defend duty is a sin. Play him at least on support to have a passing option and late crosser behind Salah.

The IF-At and MEZ attack the same space but usualy not at the same time so it should be fine but the CAR in left midfield is useless because he covers the same space the WB-Su does. So you have 2 players hugging each other on the left flank around the midfield line but no one on the left offensive flank to give width. Essentualy in offense you have Nunez in the middle. Diaz in the left offensive half space, Salah on the right post and Szoboszlai in the right half space. The rest is chilling in the mid third or in defence.

I would put Alexander-Arnold on attack duty to exploit the right side with the right CM as CAR to cover them. And playing the left CM as MEZ-Su/At.

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Il y a 1 heure, eXistenZ a dit :

Ive always struggled with the correct DM role. The instructions just look to similar

Which role ould you give the DM in this tactic?



Ive opted for an anchor but torn between that and DM(d) or halfback

With a CM(at) i will opt more for a DM(s). But the AP(s) must become a DLP(s) and the CWB(at) to a WB(s)...😉

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vor 1 Stunde schrieb eXistenZ:

Ive always struggled with the correct DM role. The instructions just look to similar

Which role ould you give the DM in this tactic?



Ive opted for an anchor but torn between that and DM(d) or halfback

100% Anchor Man or DM-De but i would stick with the Anchor Man.

Your central midfield is very offensive and a Halfback will create a huge gap between midfield and defence. Even with an Anchor Man the gap could be to big and then a DM-De would be better.

I would also change the IW-Su to W-At because CM-At and IW-Su are in the same space and you need someone to give width on the right side. A W-Su could work to and maybe would be better if you want early crosses towards the AF but i wouldn't play an IW-Su on a side with a CM-At.

The left side looks good and just the AP-Su could be a bit to offensive. Do you really want him to dictate your play? If not i would change him to CM-Su.

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59 minutes ago, Maddux said:

100% Anchor Man or DM-De but i would stick with the Anchor Man.

Your central midfield is very offensive and a Halfback will create a huge gap between midfield and defence. Even with an Anchor Man the gap could be to big and then a DM-De would be better.

I would also change the IW-Su to W-At because CM-At and IW-Su are in the same space and you need someone to give width on the right side. A W-Su could work to and maybe would be better if you want early crosses towards the AF but i wouldn't play an IW-Su on a side with a CM-At.

The left side looks good and just the AP-Su could be a bit to offensive. Do you really want him to dictate your play? If not i would change him to CM-Su.

Suslov is my best player and has a weak right foot unfortunately. Would changing Hove to a CM(s)  provide better balance? he does have the trait gets forwards whenever possible and move into channels, so he might still act offensive.

Id like to keep Antman as a playmaker yes, as I have similar backups for him. The idea is to give him forward options to spread the ball around. either the marauding left back, the CM(a) or the AF who are going forwards, and give it to one of the wide players


1 hour ago, coach vahid said:

With a CM(at) i will opt more for a DM(s). But the AP(s) must become a DLP(s) and the CWB(at) to a WB(s)...😉


Unfortunatly Antman has poor balance and positioning. Also I'd like to keep Willems as a CWBa cause he is a bit of a mini theo hernandez. not great in defensive aspect, but can bomb forward whenever he wants with good technicals

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Am 24.12.2023 um 19:54 schrieb eXistenZ:

Suslov is my best player and has a weak right foot unfortunately. Would changing Hove to a CM(s)  provide better balance? he does have the trait gets forwards whenever possible and move into channels, so he might still act offensive.

Id like to keep Antman as a playmaker yes, as I have similar backups for him. The idea is to give him forward options to spread the ball around. either the marauding left back, the CM(a) or the AF who are going forwards, and give it to one of the wide players



Unfortunatly Antman has poor balance and positioning. Also I'd like to keep Willems as a CWBa cause he is a bit of a mini theo hernandez. not great in defensive aspect, but can bomb forward whenever he wants with good technicals

Try Suslov as IF on the left side ;)

It sounds weird to play IFs with their strong foot outside but in FM 24 players again prefer to use their outside foot when shooting from a diagonal angle. So it's beneficial to play them with their strong foot outside and this way you also increase the chance on crosses in the six-yard-box when he can't take a shot himself.

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1 hour ago, Maddux said:

Try Suslov as IF on the left side ;)

It sounds weird to play IFs with their strong foot outside but in FM 24 players again prefer to use their outside foot when shooting from a diagonal angle. So it's beneficial to play them with their strong foot outside and this way you also increase the chance on crosses in the six-yard-box when he can't take a shot himself.

still on FM23. I can tell by hitting having 2.5 woodwork hit average per game :p

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