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Feature request: Statistics to replace attributes


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Wouldn't it be fantastic if rather than:

  • Acceleration 16
  • Pace 17

We had a tab that allowed us to view the same listed player attributes but only in terms of actual analytics?

For example the above could become:

  • Acceleration 15kmph (§5th out of 2,306 players in EPL)
  • Pace 22kmph (10th out of 2,306 players in EPL)

Allowing the ability to switch between competitions if needed.

The game now has so many data points regarding the players, but the truth of the matter is, your everyday player probably isnt getting stuck into the data analytics screens, which although are improving are still very clunky.

I'm sure there is a key statistic for each current 'attribute', but having this as an alternative view of the players ability, would not only be more true to have the data analysts currently view performance but it'd also add some flexibility if players were allowed to customise the screen selecting the stats to match the attribute that they desire.

Note: I am aware of skins that attempt to do this, and whilst impressive that passionate FM'ers have dedicated time to this, they're not smooth and as feature-rich as they could be if the game developed them.

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How would this work in terms of the level of quality in different leagues though, if they were to be replaced? 

If a defender from the National League had the same statistics as a defender in the Premier League, wouldn't they appear to be the same quality of player? 

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There are a few problems with this.

1. The numbers you are looking at are too absolute. When you say 22 kph for pace, is that top speed, average speed? The reason why it just gives you a number is it refers to that persons general ability to run.

2. Everything effects everything in FM. Pace is just their ability to run, how fast they actually run is based on their pace, work rate, acceleration etc...

3. Not every attribute can be a stat like this. I mean what is the stat for passing ability? You can say passes completed, but how well they pass is effected by their passing, technique, vision, decisions and anticipation. So would you have some attributes that are stats and some that are out of 20?

4. A 16 pace and 12 acceleration tells me (even tho I dont know the exact real life application) that his pace is better than his acceleration, and that I need to train his acceleration. A pace of 22 kph and an acceleration of 15kmph/s tells me.... Yea, unless I want to do a bunch of technical research as to what is a real life bench mark for pace and acceleration, as well as standard deviations within that etc... I have no way of knowing what a players strengths and weaknesses are.

The point of the 1-20 point attribute is it gives you what you actually need to know in game. 16 finishing and 16 passing tells you that a player is equally adept at finishing and passing. 18 dribbling and 12 first touch tells you that a player is very very very strong at dribbling but weaker at first touch. This allows you to adapt their position/role, training etc... around their strengths and weaknesses.


There are SOME things that are in the game as actual real life numbers, mainly height and weight. Thing is, those dont actually effect how the player preforms in game at all. A players jumping reach is effected by their height, and a players strength is effected by their weight. Those real life numbers are just there to A. provide flavor and B. give you a rough idea of how much that player can improve in those areas. A player who is  6'4 with 8 jumping reach has alot of potential to increase their jumping reach. A player who is 5'4 with 11 jumping reach wont be able to improve their reach at all. Also, those stats are very concrete. Your height and weight have an objective number.

Edited by phantombandit
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It's an interesting idea but as the below comments state, it would be tricky to implement so it's not something we'd probably look to implement, perhaps on a different page. Thank you for posting.

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