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How can I turn this situation around?

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Try to figure out what happens before that crosses or longballs. 
I can imagine that the WBs are too slow covering the flanks in offense and fighting crosses in Defense, maybe they are out of position (?) you could add trap inside where you have three players and two defenders (?)

Longballs are an issue when the defenders are slow or don’t mark tight enough or the opponents have much time in midfield to pick a good pass. You could add more grid in MC with switching one of the B2B into a BWM (?) you could add drop off more (?) 

Check if Raschl has enough work rate, in FM20 he was a little lazy. 

If the tactic had worked before I‘d start with trying to prevent the crosses with funnel inside, add a BWM in MC and drop off more. If Raschl is still lazy I‘d check for a harder working player in DM.


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19 hours ago, Cloud9 said:

Looks like you're doing fine :) 12th with a team expected to finish last is great.

I thought that until the XG table caught up with me and I ended up getting 15th, still above 18th but I don't want to be stuck in 18th so I'd like to know what I can do tactically to improve the defending.

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3 hours ago, trueblue9877 said:

I thought that until the XG table caught up with me and I ended up getting 15th, still above 18th but I don't want to be stuck in 18th so I'd like to know what I can do tactically to improve the defending.

IW/W and Fullbacks provide more defensive work rate than IF/Wingbacks.

Two midfielders roamers could also be leaving you owner. I'd recommend a CM(s) for one of those roles. 


Usually relegation battles come down to moral. In that screenshoot the teams moral looks pretty poor. Fix that and you should stay up just fine. It's 10x more important than the tactics :) 

Edited by Cloud9
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