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Goal line clearances

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I am wondering if anyone else thinks there has been a huge spike in goal line clearances. It seems like, even with a 100 mph out of the box belter, someone still manages to rush in and hook the ball with their foot at the last second. I have never counted how many times it happens in real life, but I feel like it is not as common as the 10+ times it seems to happen with this match engine.

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No belters, I think you're just making that up.

But placed finishes are unrealistically slow meaning that for finishes after you've taken it beyond the keeper the defence have a reasonable chance of reaching it before it crosses the line.

Watch finishes for low crosses, they don't tap it home but cushion it in a lot of the time taking pace off it, I don't know why this is in the ME but it looks horrible to me

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7 hours ago, The_jagster said:

No belters, I think you're just making that up.

But placed finishes are unrealistically slow meaning that for finishes after you've taken it beyond the keeper the defence have a reasonable chance of reaching it before it crosses the line.

Watch finishes for low crosses, they don't tap it home but cushion it in a lot of the time taking pace off it, I don't know why this is in the ME but it looks horrible to me

Not that I need to convince you, but my striker with shoots with power shot at the goal from the penalty line and a defender from the corner of the 6 yard box came racing in and hooked the ball with his foot.

Don't know why I would make that up. How would they fix something that didnt happen?

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I agree.

I’m seeing incessant double ricochets as well (leading to throw ins/ corners etc), which would appear to be newly introduced. 

I did try to ask about it as you have but unfortunately it didn’t make it past quality control. 

Edited by Mst82
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