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Is there any proof that a tough fitness focused pre season helps players from becoming fatigued too much during the season?

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I see comments about pre season fitness training all the time, about how it can help players from becoming too fatigued during the season.....but i have never seen any proof of it other than conjecture.

It makes sense of course, seems to be like this in real life, and even too much fitness training can take a toll on players too. Rumours of liverpools preseason training this season was said to be too much.


But does the game actually simulate this too. Is there any proof?

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The manual states that it's the case, so that should be proof enough, imo:



What’s the best practice to adopt for training for a beginner?

It is advisable to run a proper pre-season programme, first and foremost, in order to work towards peak physical condition for as many players as possible when the season begins in earnest. You can do this either by using one of the tailored templates made available in-game, or by devising your own approach, but a strong start will support the rest of the campaign.

During pre-season, players are at their minimum level of fatigue (unless they’ve spent the off-season on international duty). When fatigue is low, players tasked with hard, physical work (which increases fatigue) improve their long-term fitness, staving off the potential for jadedness to occur and carry these positive effects further into the season proper. However, once they begin to feel fatigue, these same sessions only serve to bring about more negative impacts far more quickly.

Under-working the players during pre-season or over-working them once it’s underway merely leads to increased levels of fatigue. Striking the proper balance once matches are underway is crucial; ensure there is a Match Preview session before every fixture if you want the Pre-Match Briefing and the additional benefits that come with film study and analysis of the upcoming opponent, while a recovery session the day after a match is advisable for players to rest and recover.

Try to only use the Extra slot when you have a long stretch (a week or more) without a match. Rest is as important as everything else you do.



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3 hours ago, HUNT3R said:

The manual states that it's the case, so that should be proof enough, imo:


Couldn’t agree more Hunter. I believe everything you say bro 👍🏼

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