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6 hours ago, Internomad said:

Is there anyway to train players to be better at staying onside?  My strikers are getting offside regularly and I cannot work out how to stop them doing that.

Anticipation/Off the ball 

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8 hours ago, Internomad said:

Is there anyway to train players to be better at staying onside?  My strikers are getting offside regularly and I cannot work out how to stop them doing that.

Also if they have it you could try and remove the trait "attempts to beat offside trap"

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On 23/04/2023 at 05:59, Internomad said:

So, I have paid attention to the comments above, but still my strikers are getting offside 9/10 times.  It's really spoiling the game for me.

Post your tactic and player and we can take a look.

Shouldn't be "game spoiling," it's either a tactical or player issue. 

Edited by Cloud9
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  • 3 weeks later...

It might be a tactic problem or a player problem.

For example, say that one of your creator has the ball, and you instruct him to play it quickly towards the goal. But, it happens that the only player available is offside : your creator may follow your TI/PI and play a bad ball.

however, if he can play it more slowly and/or have several options in front of him, he may choose the player who’s not offside.

We need to see your tactic and players to help you.


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5 hours ago, adamf154 said:

i see the old loads of offside goals bug hasnt been fixed, 8 offside goals in 3 games, like the guy above it could ruin the game luckily i still scored 3/4 goals but 3 offside could be end up losing you the game

They also get ruled out just as much for the opposition, so it's a non factor at the end of the day. 

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Il y a 8 heures, adamf154 a dit :

i see the old loads of offside goals bug hasnt been fixed, 8 offside goals in 3 games, like the guy above it could ruin the game luckily i still scored 3/4 goals but 3 offside could be end up losing you the game

OR, but maybe OR,

It is not a bug but a tactic problem ?

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9 hours ago, Cloud9 said:

They also get ruled out just as much for the opposition, so it's a non factor at the end of the day. 

well it wasnt just the 8, had quite a few more offside during the season had 2 chopped off quite a lot in other games and def alot less for the opposition, so it is a factor

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il y a 27 minutes, adamf154 a dit :

well people have been complaining about it for years, so everyone has been doing the wrong tactics

1. Confirmation Bias : if a lot of people complain about something, it must be an issue. Or, maybe a lot of people make the same mistake ?

2. We don’t have a single capture of OP’s tactic or players. How can we be sure that it is not his tactic or his players ?

3. I used to complain a lot about offside. However, the better I became at tactic creation, the less « bug » I face. For example, I’m **** at setpiece and, when playing, I’m like « again a free kick bug for the IA ! »


TL;DR : I’m not saying it’s OP’s fault. I’m saying that we don’t have the elements to rule if it’s either a bug or OP’s fault.

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