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Match Elevation?

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Where can we see the match elevation? Admittedly this is a bit of an edge case that isn't usually that important, but it becomes very important in South American continental competitions, especially against Bolivian teams. This seems like the sort of thing that our staff should warn us about, but even accepting I should have thought of this, I can't seem to find any elevation information in the game interface, either in the match preview or stadium details. If I'm not missing it and it's really not included in the interface, that seems like something that should get added.

I forgot all about elevation and got annihilated 3-0 away to Club Always Ready in the Copa Libertadores (La Paz Bolivia, stadium elevation close to 4000 meters), when I started the game using my usual high-intensity pressing tactic (I don't like Gegenpress but my board insists on a high-tempo high-pressing tactic). My entire team other than the goalkeeper were exhausted (deep red) by the 30 minute mark; by the end of the game players were literally walking back on defense and the condition hearts were basically empty (just the merest hint of a red sliver at the bottom of the heart). Luckily, that didn't prevent us from advancing out of the group, but the next season my Libertadores group had two high elevation teams; an Ecuadorian team that plays at 2700 meters and Nacional Potosi that plays at just about the highest elevation in the world (over 4000 meters). It did not go well, and the do-or-die final group match was away in Potosi, where we lost 1-0 on a 27 meter rocket from outside of our packed defense (only needing a draw to advance).

I now have a 3rd tactic devoted strictly to high elevation matches with minimal pressing and slow tempo and I actually look up the stadiums on Wikipedia to check elevations for any team from Bolivia, Ecuador or Peru. I still lose, but it's at least competitive and my players aren't on the verge of death at 90 minutes. But I shouldn't have to use Google to get the information and it would be nice if the pre-match advice pointed out matches where elevation will be a factor.

Edited by woolymuffler
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7 saat önce, woolymuffler said:

Where can we see the match elevation? Admittedly this is a bit of an edge case that isn't usually that important, but it becomes very important in South American continental competitions, especially against Bolivian teams. This seems like the sort of thing that our staff should warn us about, but even accepting I should have thought of this, I can't seem to find any elevation information in the game interface, either in the match preview or stadium details. If I'm not missing it and it's really not included in the interface, that seems like something that should get added.

I forgot all about elevation and got annihilated 3-0 away to Club Always Ready in the Copa Libertadores (La Paz Bolivia, stadium elevation close to 4000 meters), when I started the game using my usual high-intensity pressing tactic (I don't like Gegenpress but my board insists on a high-tempo high-pressing tactic). My entire team other than the goalkeeper were exhausted (deep red) by the 30 minute mark; by the end of the game players were literally walking back on defense and the condition hearts were basically empty (just the merest hint of a red sliver at the bottom of the heart). Luckily, that didn't prevent us from advancing out of the group, but the next season my Libertadores group had two high elevation teams; an Ecuadorian team that plays at 2700 meters and Nacional Potosi that plays at just about the highest elevation in the world (over 4000 meters). It did not go well, and the do-or-die final group match was away in Potosi, where we lost 1-0 on a 27 meter rocket from outside of our packed defense (only needing a draw to advance).

I now have a 3rd tactic devoted strictly to high elevation matches with minimal pressing and slow tempo and I actually look up the stadiums on Wikipedia to check elevations for any team from Bolivia, Ecuador or Peru. I still lose, but it's at least competitive and my players aren't on the verge of death at 90 minutes. But I shouldn't have to use Google to get the information and it would be nice if the pre-match advice pointed out matches where elevation will be a factor.

Does fm really calculate elevation on match simulation? İf it is true, i really appriciate it.

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Yeah, it absolutely wrecks my team from Buenos Aires who are used to playing at sea level. Even with my high-altitude tactic, the players I can't substitute still get completely exhausted, it just takes more than 30 minutes before they are ineffective.

Now the game doesn't come right out and tell me why my team is getting exhausted, but it has to be simulating altitude, as I haven't seen my team's condition collapse like that in the first half anywhere other than all my away-matches in Bolivia and some in Ecuador (matches where I confirmed the stadium was high altitude in Wikipedia). I assume the same would be true for some matches in Peru, Columbia and Chile as well, I just haven't played any of those teams in continental competitions yet. It also could theoretically happen in the Argentine league as the Andes are there as well, but none of the 1st Level teams are in the mountains and cup matches in Argentina are played at neutral sites in the major cities so it hasn't come up.

I am curious how the game models the home team not being as affected; is there some sort of altitude conditioning rating for players (seems unlikely as that would probably show up in the editor) or is there some sort of code in the match engine where the home team ignores altitude effects? Something in the match engine seems more likely to me, but I'm no coder and that would still leave neutral site matches in question.

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Elevation/altitude is in the database under the city - each stadium is associated with a city.  I don't think you can see the city details in-game, though for the stadium latitude and longitude are visible.  I would imagine the elevation difference would be incorporated into the home/away calculation.  Would be interesting to know how the game is using altitude/elevation as your in-game experience suggests it's something you need to take into account if you're playing in the South American continental competitions.

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Ah, the city data records the elevation, that makes sense. I definitely like that the effect is in the game and it's realistic as well; playing away in Bolivia is hard and Bolivian teams overachieve relative to their talent levels due to this in real life, as the major Bolivian clubs all play at close to 4000 meters. I just wish the game gave you advice and made it more obvious when you needed to worry about elevation as the effect is pretty massive when the altitude difference gets high enough.

Edited by woolymuffler
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Here is the Altitude information for the city of La Paz (LP) in the editor. The information is under City as @rp1966 stated. The other screenshot is from the Flut skin. It is the stadium screen and it states the Longitude and Latitude. The stadium screen in the editor does not have an altitude tab, which I would imagine is why the Flut stadium screen does not mention altitude. Unfortunately clicking the City name does not take you to a City page. If it did you would be able to read the altitude figure. I don't know if it is possible to activate this, but I suspect it would be with some clever xml work. Probably very simple to do with a bit of knowledge.

La Paz altitude.jpg

La Paz Flut.jpg

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