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Need more possesion in this tactic

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Although we have been winning games, I am still concerned about the way our tactics are working on the field. Specifically, I am interested in recreating the De Zerbi Brighton tactics, but my team is struggling to achieve enough passes.

In fact, our pass numbers are even lower than those of a team that is known to have a weakness in passing.




Therefore, I would greatly appreciate any advice or recommendations you may have on how to improve our passing. 


For Pi I have

WM: drb more, cross less and from byline, cut inside, shoot less, stay wider, close down more.

AM: hold up, pass shorter, move to channels, close down.

Pf: roamming, move to channels

Wb: take fewer risks, cross from byline


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12 minutes ago, canhsatgiaothong said:

Although we have been winning games

That's all that matters at the end of the day :thup:

To have more possession, a few ideas:

- get better players (which will happen over time)

- up the Tempo to get more passes, though this can lead to more mistakes it will increase the pass attempts because it'll give players less time on the ball to make a decision 

- Run at Defense isn't great for possession, more runs = more chance of your player getting tackled = less chance they can make a pass 

- close down more and push up, the quicker you win the ball back the less possession the opposition will have 

If your winning though, I wouldn't change anything  

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I wouldn't recommend chasing numbers for the sake of it. Always make your choices purposeful. Why do you actually think it will be beneficial for your team to pass more frequently?
If you really just want the numbers make one or more of the following adjustments. Be aware though, that your teams effectiveness might suffer heavily.

  • defend in a high block 
  • trigger your press more often and defend more aggressively 
  • remove counter / add hold shape
  • work ball into box
  • waste time more often
  • lower your tempo
  • ...
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9 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

That's all that matters at the end of the day :thup:

To have more possession, a few ideas:

- get better players (which will happen over time)

- up the Tempo to get more passes, though this can lead to more mistakes it will increase the pass attempts because it'll give players less time on the ball to make a decision 

- Run at Defense isn't great for possession, more runs = more chance of your player getting tackled = less chance they can make a pass 

- close down more and push up, the quicker you win the ball back the less possession the opposition will have 

If your winning though, I wouldn't change anything  

First of all thanks for all the advices. I believe that possessing the ball more effectively will lead to even greater success and it's also help to ease my ego.

8 hours ago, CARRERA said:

I wouldn't recommend chasing numbers for the sake of it. Always make your choices purposeful. Why do you actually think it will be beneficial for your team to pass more frequently?
If you really just want the numbers make one or more of the following adjustments. Be aware though, that your teams effectiveness might suffer heavily.

  • defend in a high block 
  • trigger your press more often and defend more aggressively 
  • remove counter / add hold shape
  • work ball into box:)
  • waste time more often
  • lower your tempo
  • ...

  I fear that my team is so vertical and directness that may lead to a lot of turn over that's why I'm chasing more possesion

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1 hour ago, canhsatgiaothong said:

I fear that my team is so vertical and directness that may lead to a lot of turn over that's why I'm chasing more possesion

I don’t think that’s the case. Your pass completition is beyond 90% in all areas of the pitch. If you feel like you loose the ball while dribbling, then remove run at Defence 

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48 minutes ago, CARRERA said:

I don’t think that’s the case. Your pass completition is beyond 90% in all areas of the pitch. If you feel like you loose the ball while dribbling, then remove run at Defence 

thanks I will try it

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On 03/05/2023 at 13:29, canhsatgiaothong said:

Although we have been winning games, I am still concerned about the way our tactics are working on the field. Specifically, I am interested in recreating the De Zerbi Brighton tactics, but my team is struggling to achieve enough passes.

In fact, our pass numbers are even lower than those of a team that is known to have a weakness in passing.




Therefore, I would greatly appreciate any advice or recommendations you may have on how to improve our passing. 


For Pi I have

WM: drb more, cross less and from byline, cut inside, shoot less, stay wider, close down more.

AM: hold up, pass shorter, move to channels, close down.

Pf: roamming, move to channels

Wb: take fewer risks, cross from byline


Playing with the passing meters + the PIs can help you maintain possession.

Anyone weak technically stick on "pass it shorter," anyone you want to do mixed passing you can leave on standard, pick out 1-2 to "pass more direct" to act as playmakers. 

You've got to drag the meters in the general tactic to get all the players properly, will make you a lot more efficient in possession though. 

Edited by Cloud9
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On 04/05/2023 at 04:44, Nick_CB said:

I believe that you cannot retain possession for a simple detail, activated counter.

Fwiw, I've dominated possession with an Ligue 2 team that was expected to go down in 95% of my games, with counter ticked. It's very achieveable in the right setup with a bit of a lower tempo but it can lead to feeling a lack of punch on one end and losing possession in risky areas against an aggressive press.

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