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Why are there no decent analysts??

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It's been an issue for a couple of years now in FM, but I just can't seem to find anyone who's got good stats for been a Performance & Recruitment Analyst. Finding anyone above 13 for Analysing Data is like gold dust. Finding anyone who can match it with Judging Player Ability & Tactical Knowledge is almost impossible. I've had to employ a few dreaded regens due to the shortfall. It's bizarre. Defo needs addressing. 

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To be honest, I'm unconvinced they make any discernable difference anyway, particularly the performance analysts. Also I'd take good scouts over a recruitment analyst any day of the week. Once you can see a player's stats, and have a rough idea of potential, I'm not sure what extra value to game play a recruitment analyst provides. I've never had any problems doing my own analysis and building a good team and ignoring them totally.

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