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Some ideas for quality of life changes, a few must haves


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I think we can all agree. FM is aging and is in dire need of a bit of a change on the mechanics. Not just the complex stuff, such as ME improvements, graphics but for simple QOL changes that we've all been screaming for, for years now.

Quality of Life Requests

- Changes to the tactics screen: Make it more readable, have little icons above the player cards to symbolize their PI instructions. e.g if a player is to "dribble more" show that as a symbol on their player card on the tactic screen... why not?? just makes it easier to read the player instructions without having to actually go into the PI instructions

- In possession/out of possession tactics/overall tactic improvements: Again, why not. We've had the same tactic system for years but we've got to a point where players want to fine-tune their tactics now.

From being out to set attacking, defending tactics would allow us to dictate how much we want a player to push forward or track back. To providing blank player role templates to create our own instructions (even saving player roles as templates)

- During match, I always thought it would be great if I can adjust a player's instructions by just right clicking on him and clicking on "Dribble more" or "Dribble less" or something. Do the same thing for marking. Currently you have to open 2 windows in order to set marking instructions. I should be able to do that straight from the match itself.

- MORE camera angles. Pre-FM 17/18 we had so many more. A lot. in exchange for that we got the ability to change zoom (which isn't all that great compared to what we used to that) and height and one called "Data Analyst", which I will bet nobody uses.

Future Requests

- Can we get a "realistic" skin. Currently, it's a fairly popular trend to play "attribute-less". Instead of attributes, give us more descriptive summaries on players. It's more realistic to rely on watching a player or reading a scout report VS looking at sets of numbers to determine a player's ability. This would just be a more immersive and fun way to play

- BETTER GRAPHICS, BETTER GRAPHICS, BETTER GRAPHICS. Do I have to say it again? Like Zealand said, I hate pretending like the graphics aren't a problem. They are. Every new FM release we get, the first thing I judge is the ME and graphics.


I usually buy FM every year but I've purposely skipped this year because of the lack of changes. A slight adjustment to the ME didn't do it for me and would make me feel ripped off.

SI. Improve the game. You've been on your high horse for having the best ME on the market but it's gotten stale now and the fans know, you know probably know it too. 



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One thing I'd add to QoL changes would be being able to make subs using the little panel at the bottom that shows your players. I find it strange that you can view your subs in that panel but can't actually do anything with them when it would be so much easier if we could just drag and drop in there to make a sub.

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On 25/05/2023 at 16:45, Birdman10piyu said:



I usually buy FM every year but I've purposely skipped this year because of the lack of changes. A slight adjustment to the ME didn't do it for me and would make me feel ripped off.

SI. Stop being lazy. Improve the game. You've been on your high horse for having the best ME on the market but it's gotten stale now and the fans know, you know probably know it too. 



Agree with a lot of your post, I too skipped this year as I was underwhelmed, however I don't think SI are lazy, it's just a big ask with the development window they have, to make striking changes every year. Evolution not revolution etc etc.





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