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Help with an international competition


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Hi all, I am posting here looking for an help.

In previous editions, I used to create a custom international competition (among NT) to celebrate Games of Small States of Europe.

This year, I failed. Probably I am getting old and can't see where I made a mistake or things have somehow changed.

Anyway, I thought I had created the comp and the rules, I also had activated Monaco (and that's works) but can't see the comp than ingame. See the attached file

Can anyone help me?

Thanks in advance

Giochi dei Piccoli Stati d'Europa2.fmf

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I can see the dates are off, you've got "2021" as base year but June 2023 dates everywhere else, so even if it was scheduling properly it would try to put games 2 years late every time. Just changing "base year for dates" to 2023 should help. I'm not sure "nations able to play in competition" is necessary, might just confuse things, that might be for stuff like the US Open Cup where you don't want it drawing Canadian teams who play in the US structure.

For the groups, best runner-up is meant to go through right? So ranking levels should be adjusted (group runners-up should have highest 0 and lowest 3), and under "group settings" you can check "extra fate places" and have one team go from "other" to "promotion" (shouldn't make sense but it does).

Maybe most importantly, I don't see international rules in your file at all, you might have to start a new file with international rules - add advanced rules and then copy and paste your rules into a new one (not pasting over the entire list, just the rules in a specific competition).

Here it is with these changes in a new file, although I haven't copied or redone any of your extra changes like to people, just the competition. Also adding some stuff under "fixture times and rules" and "players", and removing more redundant stuff like "real life teams", "qualified teams" and "registered teams." Sorry, I haven't done the resource archiver thing since the last patch so can't activate Monaco to verify and test it right now, let me know if it doesn't work.

This is unsolicited advice now but I'd give each group its own schedule as well, with stuff like "stadium_0" and "stadium_1" selected, under "individual group rules" instead of "league schedule (all groups)". Just telling them all to play at the same time with "neutral" stadiums might cause clashes (yes the game is that stupid). Same with the semis, use two different "offset dates" under "dates" (anything you specify there with gametimes, stadia etc should override everything).

I might also consider cramming the fixtures into a smaller window, like 2 days between games, if they actually had football at the Games of Small States it would be squeezed in as much as possible (Games are May 28-June 3 this year so could put the final on Sunday June 4 and go backwards from there). I'd also add a third place game, these "Games" tournaments love to have gold, silver and bronze in everything

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